Resources from the Intercultural Liturgy webinar series
Intercultural Liturgy Planning Resources
- Cantemos al Señor, Música en el Culto Divino
- Sing to the Lord, Music in Divine Worship
- Liturgy in a Culturally Diverse Community: A Guide Towards Understanding
- One Voice, Many Rhythms
- The General Instruction of the Roman Missal
- Today's Liturgy article: "Theory of Practice" [PDF]
- Unidos en Cristo
Song Suggestions
- Luke 1: Magnificat
Pedro Rubalcava (for Marian feasts, song of praise) - Tomen Agua Viva/Drink Living Water
Rufino Zargoza, OFM (sprinkling, baptism) - Letanía de Adviento/Advent Litany
Jaime Cortez (Advent processional) - Deo Gratias
Pedro Rubalcava - Exaudi Nos/Hear Us, O Lord
Rufino Zaragoza, OFM - Misa del Mundo
Jesse Manibusan - Multilingual Intercessions
Ricky Manalo, CSP (Mass of Spirit and Grace) - The Lord Is My Light
Cyprian Consiglio, OSB (ostinato refrain)
Bilingual and Multilingual Repertoire
- El Señor Es Mi Pastor/The Lord Is My Shepherd
Mary Frances Reza - Gusten y Vean/Taste and See
Mary Frances Reza - Salmo 62: Por Ti Madrugo/Psalm 63: As Morning Breaks
Pedro Rubalcava - Qué Alegría/I Rejoiced
Jaime Cortez
Bilingual Mass Settings
- Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante
Bob Hurd - Misa de las Américas
Bob Hurd - Nueva Misa Latinoamericana
Mauricio Centeno - Misa Santa Cecilia
Estela García-López & Rodolfo López - Misa Santa Fe
Mary Frances Reza - Missa Ubi Caritas
Bob Hurd (Latin refrain, verses in English/Spanish/Vietnamese) - Amén. El Cuerpo de Cristo
John Schiavone - Donde Hay Amor y Caridad/Where Charity and Love Abound
Pedro Rubalcava - These Alone Are Enough/Sólo Eso Me Basta/Daâng vao Xin
Dan Schutte (English/Spanish/Vietnamese)
Gregorian Chant and Latin
- O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia (DUGET) – latin, English, Spanish
- Stabat Mater/At Her Cross Her Station Keeping/Al Pie de la Cruz Santa
- Attende Domine
- Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi (and Tantum Ergo)
- O Filii et Filiae
- Salve Regina (Chant, Mode V)
- Adoro Te Devote
Translated hymns and songs
- Christ, Be Our Light/Se Nuestra Luz
Bernadette Farrell (Spanish/English/Vietnamese) - Tâm Tình Hiến Dâng/A Gift of Love/Don de Amor
- Cristo, Sáname/Jesus, Heal Me
Estela García-López
Quince Años
- Song of Farewell/Canto de Despedida
Jaime Cortez
Other Planning Resources
- Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers (available through the USCCB)
- Best Practices for Shared Parishes: So That All May Be One (available through the USCCB)
- Vatican Council II documents (available at vatican.va)
- Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity (available through the USCCB)
- Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America's Largest Church (available through Princeton University Press)
- Instruction: Inculturation and the Roman Liturgy (available through EWTN)