Three Hymns for the Easter Season cover


Ave Verum Corpus
Ricky Manalo, CSP

“Ave Verum Corpus” is a multilingual Communion hymn inspired by the text ascribed to Pope Innocent VI (d. 1362). This hymn consists of eight verses, designed to accompany Communion processions in various settings, ranging from small gatherings to large assemblies. The combination of the refrain and the eight verses draws from the rich heritage of the Roman Catholic Eucharistic tradition. The melody of “Ave Verum Corpus” is composed to be accessible for congregational singing. It can be performed in various worship settings and in diverse cultural communities; Verse 5, in particular, has six language options! This octavo is scored for SATB choir, descant, piano, guitar, flute, and oboe.

Learn More  More Octavos

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Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year

Benedictine Fr. Columba Kelly’s collection of the Entrance and Communion Antiphons make the beauty of chant more accessible to modern assemblies. These traditional settings were inspired by the Latin Gregorian antiphons, reimagined for the English-language texts from the Roman Missal.

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