Liturgy Planning
Tools and resources for preparing the liturgy
We use the phrase “liturgy planning” so music ministers can find the resources listed below, but “music planning” is more accurate since the structure of the liturgy is predetermined. We “prepare” rather than “plan” the liturgy for our worshipping communities.
Liturgy Planning Online

Available in both English and Spanish, Liturgy.com is the easiest way to plan music for the liturgy online. Get song suggestions from liturgy experts for each Sunday and feast day of the liturgical year and stay organized with customizable music planners. Don’t wait to explore all the clever tools and features Liturgy.com has to offer – get started with a FREE basic subscription today.
Annual Liturgy Planning Books

Today’s Liturgy: Music Planning Resource and Liturgia y Canción: Páginas de Planificación are designed specifically for music ministers and liturgists who prefer planning on paper. These high-quality print resources provide song suggestions and space for preparing liturgies for the entire liturgical year. Available for purchase individually or as a subscription.
Digital Music Libraries
OCP digital music libraries provide easy access to everything your music ministry needs for the liturgy from your OCP music resource. Search, download and share accompaniments for your parish musicians, and enjoy seamless integration with Liturgy.com.
Breaking Bread Digital Music Library
Includes accompaniments for the songs from Breaking Bread, Today’s Missal Music Issue, Respond & Acclaim and more.
Includes the contemporary Catholic songs for worship from OCP’s Spirit & Song hymnal and more.
Includes bilingual and Spanish-language songs from popular resources including Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ and Flor y Canto.
Additional Planning Resources

Antiphon Music Resources
OCP offers a diverse range of music resources that make it easy to add antiphons into your parish liturgies throughout the year. Learn more about antiphons and discover the right music resource for your assembly here.

Psalters: Responsorial Psalms and Gospel Acclamations
Support liturgies in your parish with verbatim psalm and Gospel Acclamation settings. OCP’s extensive selection of psalters include styles ranging from contemporary and gospel to Spanish, bilingual and more. Find them here.

The Liturgy Podcast
Liturgy Podcast Podcast is a weekly liturgy preparation resource for musicians, liturgists, homilists and all who look to the liturgical readings for inspiration and nourishment. Host Ken Canedo reflects on Scripture and plays suggested tracks from the Spirit & Song repertoire.

FREE Planning Tools
Enjoy a variety of downloadable resources for special celebrations and rites like OCIA, weddings and funerals including planning pages, music suggestions, indexes and more here.