Cantemos Unidos/United in Song is an ideal means of drawing together the whole congregation into a cohesive, multicultural body of Christ. This practical resource contains bilingual versions of 24 of the best-known songs for worship ever written: 12 songs originally written in English with new, added text in Spanish, and 12 Spanish songs with added English text. It's a wonderful way to introduce new and beloved songs to the whole assembly!
Featuring Spanish classics such as "Pescador de Hombres," "Resucitó," "Alabaré" and "Vienen con Alegría," the collection also includes "Here I Am, Lord," "Hail Mary: Gentle Woman" and "On Eagle's Wings." The simple arrangements, excellent translations—by Owen Alstott and Father Juan Sosa—and clear formatting make it easy for parishioners to sing the verses in both languages.
Songs in this collection cover a variety of themes such as: peace, trust, praise, joy, love, conversion and discipleship and can be used during several seasons of the liturgical year including Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.