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- Hear the Prayers That Rise

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- Adoramus
- Adoramus Te Domine
- Advent Gospel Acclamation
- Alleluia
- Alleluia 7
- Alleluia Fontium
- Alleluia Round
- Alleluia, Your Word
- Anima Christi
- As the Deer Longs
- As the Deer Longs
- Be Still and Know
- By the Waking of Our Hearts
- By Your Cross
- Christ before Me
- Come, O Spirit of God
- Confitemini Domino
- Come to Us, O God/Stay with Us, O Lord
- Come to Us, O God/Stay with Us, O Lord
- Cristo, Sáname/Jesus, Heal Me
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Exaudi Nos, Hear Our Prayer
- For the Sake of Christ
- For This We Pray
- Freedom Is Coming
- Give Peace in Our Time, O Lord
- Father, We Are Thirsty
- Gloria 3/Glory to God
- Go in Peace
- God Be in My Head
- God of Mercy
- God’s Aid
- Hear the Prayers That Rise
- Hold Me in Life
- Holy Is God
- How Long, O Lord
- If You Believe and I Believe
- I Am the Vine
- If You Love Me
- In Every Age
- In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful
- In This Holy Silence
- Jesus, I Will Stay with You
- Jesus, Remember Me
- Jubilate Deo
- Jubilate Deo
- Kyrie Litany For Lent
- Kingdom Come
- Kyrie Litany for Advent
- Laudate Dominum
- Lead Us
- Lead Us to Act Justly
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation for the Third Millennium
- Let All the Hills Be Leveled
- Let It Be Done to Us/Tu Voluntad, Señor
- Let Nothing Trouble You
- Let Us Walk in Justice
- Litany of Peace
- Litany of Reconciliation
- Litany of the Word
- Living Water/Send Your Spirit
- Living Water/Send Your Spirit
- Lord, Have Mercy
- Lord, Have Mercy
- Lord, We Adore You
- Lumen Christi
- Magnificat/Sing Out, My Soul
- Malawi Alleluia
- Malawi Thanksgiving
- Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus
- Miserere Nobis
- Miserere Nobis
- My Soul Proclaims
- Nada Te Turbe
- O Christe Domine Jesu
- O God, Come and Save Us
- O God, Hear Us
- O God, Hear Us/O Lord, Heal Us
- O God, You Search Me
- O Lord, Hear My Prayer
- O Risen Christ
- O Word of God
- Our Eyes Are Turned to the Lord
- Ours Were the Griefs He Bore
- Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People
- Pange Lingua
- Radiant Light Divine
- Remember Your Mercy, Lord
- Responsory: Into Your Hands
- Restless Is the Heart
- Risen Lord, Be with Us
- Sacred Creation
- Sacred Is the Call
- Serenity Prayer
- Simeon's Prayer
- Song of Simeon
- St. Patrick's Breastplate
- Stay with Me
- Surrexit Christus
- Te Rogamos, Señor
- That Which You Seek
- The Face of Christ
- The Lord Is My Light
- The Will of Your Love / Tu Voluntad
- There Is No Greater Love
- Turn Our Hearts
- Ubi Caritas
- Veni Sancte Spiritus
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus
- We Adore Your Cross
- We Live Not For Ourselves
- We Place Our Lives in Your Hands
- We Walk by Faith/In Times of Trouble
- When the Night Becomes Dark
- Where Two or Three Are Gathered
- Word of God
- You Are My God
- You Fathom My Heart
- The Seven Last Words from the Cross
- Advent Song
- For Thy Gracious Blessing
- Blessed Are They
- Magnificat
- Oriens Alleluia
- Let My Prayer Rise
- Hosanna
- An Advent Round of Rejoicing
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Through the Mystery of Death
- Weaving Round
- Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Forever
- Out of the Depths
- My Heart Is Searching
- You, O Lord, You Are Close
- Jesus Christ, Inner Light
- O Risen Christ
- God Be in My Head
- Exaudi Nos/Hear Our Prayer
- St. Patrick's Breastplate
- God’s Aid
- Blessed Are They
- We Live Not for Ourselves
- Alleluia Round
- If You Love Me
- As the Deer Longs
- My Soul Proclaims
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today, and Forever
- Hosanna
- O God, Hear Us/O Lord, Heal Us
- Jubilate Deo
- Go in Peace
- Hear the Prayers That Rise
- Jesus Christ, Inner Light
- Litany of Reconciliation
- Through the Mystery of Death
- Let My Prayer Rise
- The Will of Your Love / Tu Voluntad
- As the Deer Longs
- Advent Gospel Acclamation
- Come, O Spirit of God
- For the Sake of Christ
- Jubilate Deo
- Litany of the Word
- Weaving Round
- O God, Hear Us
- Miserere Nobis
- Responsory: Into Your Hands
- For Thy Gracious Blessing
- Alleluia Fontium
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation for the Third Millennium
- Oriens Alleluia
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus
- Dona Nobis Pacem
- Advent Song
- By Your Cross
- By the Waking of Our Hearts
- Give Peace in Our Time, O Lord
- Restless Is the Heart
- Jesus, I Will Stay with You
- Lord, We Adore You
- If You Believe and I Believe
- In This Holy Silence
- O Word of God
- Do Not Be Afraid
- Word of God
- Let Nothing Trouble You
- The Face of Christ
- The Lord Is My Light
- An Advent Round of Rejoicing
- Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People
- Kingdom Come
- Alleluia
- Hold Me in Life
- There Is No Greater Love
- The Seven Last Words from the Cross
- Miserere Nobis
- Song of Simeon
- In Every Age
- Magnificat
- Lead Us to Act Justly
- Come to Us, O God/Stay with Us, O Lord
- Out of the Depths
- Father, We Are Thirsty
- We Adore Your Cross
- Living Water/Send Your Spirit
- Lord, Have Mercy
- How Long, O Lord
- Serenity Prayer
- God of Mercy
- O God, Come and Save Us
- You Are My God
- My Heart Is Searching
- Malawi Thanksgiving
- Malawi Alleluia
- Ours Were the Griefs He Bore
- I Am the Vine
- Lumen Christi
- Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus
- Lord, Have Mercy
- Be Still and Know
- Holy Is God
- Let All the Hills Be Leveled
- Anima Christi
- Adoramus
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- For This We Pray
- Alleluia, Your Word
- When the Night Becomes Dark
- Jesus, Remember Me
- Laudate Dominum
- Christ before Me
- We Place Our Lives in Your Hands
- Adoramus Te Domine
- O God, You Search Me
- Alleluia 7
- Turn Our Hearts
- Confitemini Domino
- Sacred Creation
- Litany of Peace
- Risen Lord, Be with Us
- Pange Lingua
- Simeon's Prayer
- Ubi Caritas
- Where Two or Three Are Gathered
- Let Us Walk in Justice
- Cristo, Sáname/Jesus, Heal Me
- Magnificat/Sing Out, My Soul
- You Fathom My Heart
- Nada Te Turbe
- O Lord, Hear My Prayer
- Gloria 3/Glory to God
- Lead Us
- Surrexit Christus
- Freedom Is Coming
- Let It Be Done to Us/Tu Voluntad, Señor
- Kyrie Litany for Advent
- Kyrie Litany for Lent
- Te Rogamos, Señor
- That Which You Seek
- We Walk by Faith/In Times of Trouble
- Sacred Is the Call
- You, O Lord, You Are Close
- Our Eyes Are Turned to the Lord
- Veni Sancte Spiritus
- Stay with Me
- O Christe Domine Jesu
- Remember Your Mercy, Lord
- Radiant Light Divine
- In the Lord
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. It's perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music that's easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a "vestibule to the sacred"
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service that's been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
"They arrive," she describes in the foreword, "they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a 'vestibule' to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesn't lead people to forget their troubles," she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. It's perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music that's easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a "vestibule to the sacred"
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service that's been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
"They arrive," she describes in the foreword, "they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a 'vestibule' to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesn't lead people to forget their troubles," she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
135 songs, including 30 new titles
A landmark release, Hear the Prayers That Rise offers 135 songs for use in and outside the liturgy. Its perfect for Communion and other processions, reconciliation services, Liturgy of the Hours, ordinations and more.
Music by more than 35 well-known composers
Presenting more than 30 new compositions, the collection also includes the several popular songs of Jacques Berthier (1923-1994), whose music has served the Taizé community for over three decades. More than 35 composers contributed to the project, including Barbara Bridge, Bernadette Farrell, Bob Hurd, Paul Inwood and Mercy Sister Suzanne Toolan.
From energetic gathering songs to quiet chants
The resource encompasses a variety of musical forms: litanies, rounds and canons, responses, acclamations and ostinatos (musical phrases sung repeatedly in the nature of a mantra). Styles range from more energetic gathering and praise songs to quiet chants for centering and meditation. Many songs can be sung without accompaniment.
Great for churches, retreat centers, prayer groups and more
Hear the Prayers That Rise will be especially welcome in small faith communities, prayer groups, retreat centers and churches hosting contemplative prayer services. For those who already have Taizé music in their repertoire, it makes a great supplement.
Music that unites, music thats easy to learn and sing
An ecumenical resource, Hear the Prayers That Rise cuts across denominational lines. People from every Christian community will feel at home singing these Christ-centered songs. Simple and easy-to-learn, this is music any group can use -- no matter their level of resources.
Includes sample order of service and song suggestions
The preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. A topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Music that creates a vestibule to the sacred
Sister Toolan has used many of these chants in a first Friday service thats been running for 25 years. It draws people from 100 miles away.
They arrive, she describes in the foreword, they come into the dimly lit chapel and they find themselves singing a quiet chant, a chant that becomes, as it were, a vestibule to the sacred. Powerful as it is, this insistent, meditative music doesnt lead people to forget their troubles, she explains. Instead, it invites them to bring their troubles to the cross.
Create a climate of prayer and peace in your community. Introduce the music of Hear the Prayers That Rise!
Like a room lit by candles and filled with incense, these Taizé-style songs inspire prayer. Simple and meditative, with easy-to-sing, repeating refrains, they unite Christians of every background, drawing them into a place of peace and worship.
Offering 135 songs for use within and beyond the liturgy, this landmark release inspires self-reflection and meditation for your assembly. Arranged in the unique style of the Taizé community, these songs will both enhance liturgies and help you develop a deeper connection with Christ.
Featuring more than 30 newly composed pieces along with over 100 classic titles from over 35 well-known composers, the songs are easy to sing with repeating refrains that encourage active participation from your congregation. The wide variety of musical styles serves the needs of any parish, and are perfect for Communion, processionals, reconciliation services, ordinations and more!
While most of the songs can be performed a cappella, they are further enhanced through the addition of keyboard or guitar accompaniment. As a special bonus, the preface offers practical suggestions for using the music in a prayer service and even includes an order of service, Scripture readings and sample intercessions. Also, a topical/seasonal index helps the user find appropriate songs for each part of the service.
Everything from quiet chants for centering and meditation to energetic songs of gathering and praise, Hear the Prayers That Rise makes an excellent supplement to faith communities large and small.