Misa de las Américas
By Bob Hurd , Barbara Bridge

One of Bob Hurd's beautiful Mass settings—created so Spanish and English speakers can worship together. Contains some Misal Romano texts that are not approved for liturgical use after 12/1/2018.
From: Behold the Cross, 9208
From: Behold the Cross, 9208
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spirit & Song
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spirit & Song
from Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
From: Behold the Cross, 9208
From: Behold the Cross, 9208
from Spirit & Song
from Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spirit & Song
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spirit & Song
from Unidos en Cristo/United in Christ
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
From "Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People," which has become a beloved song for evening or morning prayer to the engaging "Aleluya," Bob Hurd has managed to compose a beloved Mass setting to help parishes and other communities with multicultural and multilingual celebrations of the Eucharist.
Bilingual or multicultural assemblies offer a unique opportunity to use a vast diversity of cultural expressions, resulting in the same worship experience and common prayer for the entire community. Assembly members or choirs can join in the singing of both the English and Spanish, familiar and easy-to-learn short texts.
Bob Hurd, an early pioneer of bilingual and multilingual music, has integrated cultural elements common to Hispanics in Misa de las Américas, with music proper to both cultures allowing the faithful to come together as one.