Best known for popular songs like “On Eagle’s Wings” and “I Have Loved You,” Fr. Joncas is also a supremely gifted choral composer.
- A Shelter in the Time of Storm
- A Voice Cries Out
- As the Watchman
- Be with Me, Lord
- Blessing
- Blest Be the Lord
- Canticle of Isaiah
- Canticle of Zachary
- Conclusion (Evening Prayer)
- Draw Near
- Drawn by His Word
- Eternal Is His Mercy
- Eucharistic Acclamations
- Evening Thanksgiving
- Every Stone Shall Cry
- Gaude, Virgo
- Give Thanks to God
- Go Out to the World
- God Creating, God Sustaining
- God Is Love
- God of Might and God of Mercy
- Great God, Your Love Has Called Us
- How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place
- I Have Loved You
- I See His Blood Upon the Rose
- Intercessions
- Intercessions
- Just Like a Deer
- Lallubye
- Let the King of Glory Come
- Like Burning Incense
- Lord, Come and Save Us
- Lord, You Have the Words
- Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?
- Mary’s Song
- May Christ Support Us
- Morning Hymn
- My Soul Gives Glory: Canticle of Mary
- My Soul Rejoices
- New Testament Canticle
- O Burning Mountain
- O God of Past and Present
- O Joyful Light
- O Sacred Banquet
- On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas
- On Eagle’s Wings/En Sus Alas
- Opening Dialogue (Invitatory)
- Opening Dialogue (Lucernarium)
- Our Blessing-Cup
- Praise His Name
- Psalmody: As Morning Breaks
- Rorate Caeli
- Sacramentum Caritatis
- Salve Regina
- Sing Out, My Soul
- Song of Thanksgiving
- Song of the Lord's Appearance
- Song of the Lord's Supper
- Stars Flung like Diamonds
- Take and Eat
- The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- The Lord Is Near/May the Angels
- The Lord’s Prayer (Evening Prayer)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Morning Prayer)
- The Sacrifice of Praise
- This Is the Day
- To You, O Lord
- Two Disciples on a Journey
- We Gather Here to Worship
- When We Eat This Bread
- Where Dark Descends
- With the Lord
- You Are Our Living Bread
Fr. Jan Michael Joncas is an internationally recognized priest, liturgical composer, author, speaker and professor. Ordained in 1980, he has served as an associate pastor, campus minister and parochial administrator at various parishes and Newman Centers in Minnesota. From 1987 to 2022 he taught in the theology and Catholic studies departments at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He graduated magna cum laude from the University of Notre Dame with a master's degree in theology and liturgical studies and summa cum laude from Pontificio Istituto Liturgico of the Ateneo Sant'Anselmo in Rome with licentiate and doctoral degrees in liturgical studies.
Fr. Joncas has composed more than 20 collections of liturgical music. Among other notable works, “Salve Regina,” from O God of Past and Present, is a stunningly beautiful—and challenging—eight-part score for double choir. He has also published six books, including On Eagle’s Wings: A Journey through Illness toward Healing, and more than 100 articles.
The Michael Joncas Hymnary presently includes two volumes: Within Our Hearts Be Born, for Advent and Christmas, and We Contemplate the Mystery, for Lent and Easter. These collections feature original hymn texts set to traditional hymn tunes based on the Lectionary readings for each Sunday and holy day of the season. His songs are also featured on several of OCP's collections, including most recently “God of Might and God of Mercy," which appears on Our Common Home, a collaborative project based on Pope Francis' Laudato Si' encyclical.
On January 1, 2022, Fr. Joncas retired from active ministry in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota and as professor emeritus from the University of St. Thomas. He continues to preach and preside sacramentally in various parishes and worshiping communities, teach in person and online, write articles and blog posts, and compose liturgical music.