Liturgical Formation and Training for Hispanic Pastoral Musicians
This day-long formational/training event provides an introduction to music in the Liturgy and the role of musicians in the celebration of the Eucharist. The foundational resources areSing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship/Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino(USCCB) andFlor y Canto. The day also includes skill development sessions, providing participants an opportunity for “hands-on” learning.
The event is led by a team of two to four presenters who are experienced pastoral musicians and have knowledge and practice in the area of liturgical music. In particular, presenters have a grounded understanding ofSing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship/Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino(USCCB), as well as familiarity with the repertoire of Flor y Canto.
Keynote: Sing to the Lord—An Overview
In this keynote, the participants are introduced to the foundational principles of pastoral music ministry as presented in the U.S. Bishops document,Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship/Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino(USCCB). Topics include The Role of Music in the Liturgy, the Role of the Pastoral Musician, and The Three Judgments. Emphasis is placed on the role of the musician as disciple and minister.
Skill Sessions – Parts I and II
These sessions provide an opportunity for “hands-on” learning and are selected to address the needs of the local church. More often than not, skills sessions in vocal technique and the guitarist as a liturgical musician will be essential. Providing a session on basic music selection skills will be important, which will incorporate information from theSing to the Lorddocument.
Repertoire: The Songs of Flor y Canto
This session is planned and executed depending on the season of the liturgical year, as well as specific ritual music that the host in collaboration with the team has made known as an area of need.
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This day-long formational/training event provides an introduction to Hispanic pastoral musicians on music in the liturgy and the role of musicians in the celebration of the Eucharist. Specialized sessions and workshops on techniques and musicianship development are also offered. Areas of focus include the Sing to the Lord, the liturgical year, progressive solemnity, the liturgical guitarist, the cantor, the choir, the liturgical percussionist, the liturgical ensemble, liturgical music selection and planning, and more.
The event is led by a team of two to four experienced pastoral musicians with deep knowledge and practice in the focus areas. Emphasis is placed on the role of the musician as disciple and minister, the development of particular skills, and models for becoming better pastoral musicians.
Each Instituto OCP event is developed to form all musical servants of the liturgy. This includes music directors, choir members, cantors, accompanists, and instrumentalists. Musicians of all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend, including children and young adults. Parish and diocesan leaders are also encouraged to attend, including pastors, parish staff, diocesan personnel, etc.
The schedule for each Instituto OCP includes prayer, workshops and skill sessions, repertoire sessions, and meals and other breaks. A list of past workshops and skill session topics is included as an appendix. While topics are customizable, each Instituto OCP features the following:
Keynote session
This plenary session introduces participants to the foundational principles of pastoral music ministry as presented in the document Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship/Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino (USCCB). Topics covered include the role of music in the liturgy, the role of the pastoral musician, the principle of progressive solemnity and how music accompanies the Rites, and the “three judgements” and the qualities of liturgical music. Emphasis is placed on encouraging participants to pursue on-going learning and development.
Skill Sessions I and II
These sessions vary depending on the expertise of the presenters and the needs of the local community. Skill sessions in vocal technique and the guitarist as a liturgical musician are essential. It is also important to provide a session on basic music selection skills, which incorporates information from Sing to the Lord. When planning the Instituto OCP event, collaboration with the host is paramount to ensure the needs of the participants are known in advance for staffing purposes.
Repertoire Session
This session is planned and executed depending on the season of the liturgical year as well as specific ritual music that the host identifies as an area of need. It prominently features content from the hymnal Flor y Canto.
While each Instituto OCP event is planned with the needs of the local community in mind, the following schedule is typically used. A final schedule and outline of content is created with each host location:
9:00 – 9:30: Welcome and morning prayer
9:30 – 10:45: Plenary keynote
10:45 – 12:00: Skill Session I
12:00 – 1:00: Lunch
1:00 – 2:15: Skill Session II
2:15 – 2:30: Break
2:30 – 2:30: Repertoire Session
3:30 – 4:00: Evaluation and closing
What resources are used as part of the training?
The foundational resources are Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship/Cantemos al Señor: La Música en el Culto Divino (USCCB) and Flor y Canto. Psalm resources, children’s resources, other OCP core products may be used and referenced, as well as product specific to the artists/composers presenting.
What are the benefits of the program?
Instituto OCP brings multiple benefits to your community. Certainly, participants leave equipped with essential formation and knowledge. Beyond this, however, participants leave with a greater sense of vocation, community, and service. After their participation, those who attend Instituto OCP will:
- Be inspired to devote more to their ministry (time, talent, treasure, etc.)
- Have a better understanding of the role of the music minister in the liturgy
- Be equipped with essential liturgical formation needed for effective ministry (church documents, structure of liturgy and rites, liturgical theology and catechesis, spiritual formation, etc.)
- Be equipped with essential musical formation needed for effective ministry (musical skills, playing to support ritual, playing for liturgy vs. performance, best practices, etc.)
- Have expanded knowledge and awareness of resources to support liturgy and ministry
- Have a better sense of community and participation in a large ministry network
- Have a better understanding of the hierarchy and structure of the Church (diocesan offices, relationships, decision-making and authority, roles, etc.)
What are the workshop topics provided at an Instituto OCP event?
The following is a sample of the many workshops and skill sessions offered at past Instituto OCP events:
La Espiritualidad del Ministro de MúsicaThe Spirituality of the Liturgical Musician
La Música Como Parte Integral de la Liturgia Music as an Integral Part of the Liturgy
La Música Sirve al Rito: La Armonía Entre la Liturgia y la Música Music Serves the Rite: Harmony Between Liturgy and Music
El Ministro de la Música: Creyente, Discípulo y Servidor The Music Minister: Believer, Disciple, and Servant
Discípulos Gozosos: Orando y Cantando la Alegría del Señor Joyful Disciples: Praying and Singing Joyfully to the Lord
¡Un Pueblo y Una Voz!: ¿Cómo Guiar a la Asamblea en la Oración Cantada? One People, One Voice!: How to Guide the Assembly in Sung Prayer
La Música en la Liturgia: Fuente de Evangelización Music in the Liturgy: Source of Evangelization
La Historia del Canto Gregroriano The History of Gregorian Chant
La Solemnidad Progresiva Progressive Solemnity
Cantar en Armonía: ¿Cuál es el Comienzo? Singing in Harmony: How do You Begin?
Conducción Musical: ¿Quién Sigue a Quién? Musical Conducting: Who Follows Who?
Los Ministros de la Liturgia: Unidos en la Misa, en la Hospitalidad y el Servicio The Ministers of the Liturgy: United in the Mass, in Hospitality, and in Service
Catequesis y Liturgia: Palabra y Sacramento Catechesis and Liturgy: Word and Sacrament
¡Eleva Tu Voz al Cielo!: Técnicas de Vocalización Raise Your Voice to the Heavens!: Vocal Techniques
La Selección de la Música para la Liturgia Selecting Music for the Liturgy
Música para Bodas, Funerales y Quinceañeras Music for Weddings, Funerals, and Quinceañeras
El Papel del Músico en la Liturgia The Role of the Musician in the Liturgy
Recursos Digitales para el Músico Litúrgico Digital Resources for the Liturgical Musician
Mejorando el Sonido de tu Parroquia Improving the Sound of Your Music Ministry: Sound System
Técnicas para los Músicos que Apoyan el Canto de la Liturgia Techniques for the Musicians that Support Congregational Singing
Técnicas para Desarrollar la Voz de su Coro Techniques for Developing the Voice of Your Choir
Cómo Interpretar la Música Pautada How to Interpret Music Scores
Conceptos Básicos para la Preparación d la Liturgia Basic Concepts for the Preparation of the Liturgy
Proclamador de la Palabra Viva: El Valor Incalculable del Lector Proclaiming the Living Word: The Incalculable Worth of the Lector
El Señor Nos Invita: Música Para Coro de Niños The Lord Invites Us: Music for Children's Choir
La Familia: Unidad de Evangelización The Family: Evangelization Unit
Los Tres Juicios Musicales: La Música al Servicio de la Liturgia The Three Musical Judgements: Music as the Service of the Liturgy
Los Ritmos en la Liturgia Hispana The Rhythms in the Hispanic Liturgy
Los Ritos y Textos Únicos del Triduo Pascual The Rites and Texts from Triduum
Entrega y Discipulado en la Temporada de Cuaresma y Pascua Commitment and Discipleship in the Season of Lent and Easter
El Músico Lírico en la Liturgia The Musician who Can't Read Music in the Liturgy
Técnicas de Instrumentación: Cómo Organizar el Sonido Sagrado Techniques for Instrumentalists: How to Organize Our Sacred Sound
La Música en la Liturgia: Cómo Elegir Música para los Tiempos Litúrgicos The Music in the Liturgy: How to Chose Music for the Liturgical Seasons
El Ministerio del Cantor y Animador de la Asamblea The Ministry of the Cantor and Song Leader of the Assembly
La Santa Misa: Fuente de Toda Gracia y Bendición The Holy Mass: Font of all Grace and Blessing
Principios para el Guitarrista Litúrgico Basics for the Liturgical Guitarist
Principios para el Percusionista Litúrgico Basics for the Liturgical Percussionist
Técnicas de Vocalización: El Director Como Maestro de Voz Vocal Techniques: The Music Director as Voice Teacher
El Percusionista como Animador The Percussionist as Song Leader
El Guitarrista Como Animador The Guitarist as Song Leader
Los Sacramentos: Momentos Visibles de Nuestra Fe The Sacraments: Visible moments of Our Faith
El Equipo Litúrgico: Discípulos Primero The Liturgical Team: Disciples First
La Espiritualidad y Liderazgo de los Laicos en la Iglesia The Spirituality and Leadership of the Lay Ministry of the Church
Learn more on how to host an Instituto at your parish or Diocese
A note of thanks from OCP:
We are so grateful to our many OCP composers who serve as presenters at our OCP Institutos. Their partnership in this endeavor is what makes the OCP Instituto possible. Their passionate dedication to bring formation to the Spanish-speaking Church is inspiring, and we thank them for their untiring service.