Focusing her ministry on music for Taizé prayer, Barbara Bridge has been involved in music ministry for many years as a cantor, soloist, choir director, composer and OCP event presenter.
- All Shall Be Well
- All the Ends of the Earth
- Alleluia
- Amén
- As a Mother Cares
- As the Deer Longs
- Be Still and Know
- Be with Me, Lord (Psalm 91)
- Because of Jesus
- Christmas Season Gospel Acclamation
- Come to Us, O God/Stay with Us, O Lord
- Come, Follow Me
- Cristo Ha Muerto
- Deep Peace
- Each Time That You Love
- Exaudi Nos, Hear Our Prayer
- God Be in My Head
- God of Mercy
- Hear the Prayers That Rise
- I Am a Child of God
- In This Holy Silence
- Jesus Is Risen
- Jubilate Deo
- Jubilate Deo
- Lamb of God; Come to the Table
- Litany for the Earth
- Litany of Peace
- Litany of Peace
- Litany of the Saints
- Living Water/Send Your Spirit
- Now Is the Acceptable Time
- O Risen Christ
- Peace I Leave with You
- Psalm 42/43: Like a Deer That Longs/My Soul Is Thirsting for You
- Responsory: Into Your Hands
- Risen Lord, Be with Us
- Santo
- Santo
- Simeon's Prayer
- That Which You Seek
- This Is the Day
- To You, O Lord
- Turn Our Hearts
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- Welcome to the Kingdom
- You Are My Companion
- You Are My Inheritance
- You Gather a Family
- ’Ke Bona Leseli
Barbara Bridge received her bachelor of music degree from Mount St. Mary’s College in Los Angeles in 1984. She served as cantor at the Papal Mass in Los Angeles in 1987 and several years at various events such as the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress and National Association of Pastoral Musicians Convention.
Since 1989, Barbara expanded her music ministry to include Taizé, providing music for Taizé prayer in churches and retreat centers of various denominations. Her 135-song collection, Hear the Prayers That Rise, brings people of various faith traditions together in contemplative prayer through song and silence. She has contributed her voice and several of her compositions to various collections, including A Lenten Journey and One with the Risen Lord with Bob Hurd, as well as the most recent collection, Our Common Home, with songs inspired by Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’ encyclical . Her song “Now is the Acceptable Time” is commonly heard during the season of Lent.
Barbara retired from OCP in 2014 and lives in the Portland, Oregon, area.
Check out Barbara's first full-length collection, Deep Peace — featuring 14 lovely pieces composed for SATB choir and assembly.