Lenten Gospel Acclamation

Taken from the Wondrous Love Mass, this octavo presents four Lenten acclamations and complete verses (Ash Wednesday and five weeks of Lenten Sundays) for years A, B, and C. Assemblies will appreciate the melodic resemblance to the familiar hymn tune. The verses, for cantor or choir, are set in a manner that can be chanted outright, or done in a way similar to Gelineau psalmody (“target note” style).
Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Wondrous Love Mass [MP3]
Wondrous Love Mass
Wondrous Love Mass
Lenten Gospel Acclamation: Wondrous Love Mass [MP3]
Wondrous Love Mass
Wondrous Love Mass
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The Liturgy of the Word Lenten Gospel Acclamation