Paul Hillebrand calls upon his classical training and his years in contemporary music ministry to create reverent arrangements that take listeners along a path of praise toward the heart of God.
- Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
- Amen
- Chosen For Each Other
- Come to Us, O Lord
- Come to the Table
- Do Not Forget the Works of the Lord
- Embrace the Cross
- Eucharistic Litany
- Exsultet
- Fill Us with Your Love, O Lord
- He Is Risen
- Here Am I, Lord; I Come to Do Your Will
- Holy
- How Amazing Is Your Love
- How Shall We Know You
- Into Your Own Wonderful Light
- I’m Always With You/Be Not Afraid
- Jesus, I Trust in You
- Kyrie, Eleison/Lord, Have Mercy
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let Us Sing Your Song
- Light the Way to Jesus
- Litany of the Spirit
- Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness
- Make Our Lives a Prayer of Peace
- O Lord, Our God How Wonderful Your Name
- On Our Journey to You
- Our Help Is from the Lord, Who Made Heaven and Earth
- Rejoice Always
- Renew the Face of the Earth
- Rest in God Alone, My Soul
- Save Us, Savior
- Universal Prayer (Response)
- We Adore You, Lord Jesus
- We Know Your Presence Lord
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We, the Body of Christ
- When We Eat This Bread
- Why Have You Abandoned Me (Psalm 22)
- Witnesses
- You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
- You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
Paul Hillebrand has been involved in liturgical music ministry for more than 35 years. For the past 15 years, he has been the Director of Music at St. Patrick Catholic Community in Scottsdale, Arizona. Paul earned a degree in choral education from Arizona State University, and also completed advanced liturgical studies training through the Corpus Christi Center in Phoenix.
Paul leads prayer concerts, workshops and retreats throughout the year. He was raised in Evanston, Illinois. His collections of original liturgical music include Promise, How Shall We Know You? and Journey to You. His Wondrous Love Mass, created with Kevin Keil, offers worshipers a reflective way to enter prayerfully into the season of Lent.
He lives in Tempe, Arizona, with his wife, Nan, and their four young adult children. Their youngest daughter, dear sweet Julia, forever almost 13, continues to inspire her family from heaven.