From: Journeysongs Third Edition CD Library
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
From: Journeysongs Third Edition CD Library
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
Find Hail Thee, Festival Day in:
Hail thee, festival day!
Blest day to be hallowed for ever;
Day when our Lord was raised,
Breaking the kingdom of death.
Easter Verses
All the fair beauty of earth
From death of the winter arising!
Every good gift of the year
Now with its Master returns:
Rise from the grave now, O Lord,
The Author of life and creation.
Treading the pathway of death,
New life you give to us all:
Ascension Verses
He who was nailed to the cross
Is Ruler and Lord of all people.
All things created on earth
Sing to the glory of God:
Daily the loveliness grows,
Adorned with the glory of blossom;
Heaven her gates unbars,
Flinging her increase of light:
Pentecost Verses
Bright in the likeness of fire,
On those who await his appearing,
He whom the Lord had foretold,
Suddenly, swiftly descends:
Forth from the Father he comes
With sevenfold mystical off’ring,
Pouring on all human souls
Infinite riches of God: