In This House/Nourished at This Holy Table

With separate sets of verses provided for both gathering and sending forth, there are many liturgical moments for this song. Topically grounded in the concept of the Church as a people of God—who should believe themselves as graced partners of Christ—it is especially appropriate for the rite or anniversary of the dedication of a church. Scored for SATB choir, keyboard, and guitar (with additional parts for brass quartet available online), the novel metric scheme (oscillating between 3/2 and 4/4 measures) accommodates the cadence of the text (typically in the poetic meter of 98 98).
In This House/Nourished at This Holy Temple [Manuscript]
In This House/Nourished at This Holy Temple [Manuscript]
In This House/Nourished at This Holy Temple [Manuscript]
Liturgical: |
The Introductory Rites Entrance Song (Gathering or Processional)
Ritual: |
Dedication of a Church
Topical: |
Ministry / Mission
Sending Forth Church People of God |