This well-known Christmas hymn is presented with all 4 verses in Spanish and in English making it a perfect choice for bilingual Christmas celebrations where both communities likely come together. Now with a newly written solo instrument part and a descant, it gives musicians many options for how it is sung and played throughout the Christmas season.
From: Flor y Canto Tercera Edición CD Library
From Today's Music for Today's Church 2020 Supplement
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
From Alabanza Coral
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
From: Flor y Canto Tercera Edición CD Library
From Today's Music for Today's Church 2020 Supplement
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo
From Alabanza Coral
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
from Spanish Missal Accompaniment Books
from Unidos en Cristo
from Flor y Canto tercera edición
Find Ángeles Cantando Están/Angels We Have Heard on High in:
Estrofa 1
Ángeles cantando están
Tan dulcísima canción;
Las montañas su eco dan
Como fiel contestación.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
O bien:
Gloria a Dios en el cielo.
Gloria a Dios en el cielo.
Estrofas 2-4
Los pastores sin cesar
Sus cantares dan a Dios;
Cuán glorioso es el cantar
De su melodiosa voz.
Hoy anuncian con fervor
Que ha nacido el Salvador;
Los mortales gozarán
Paz y buena voluntad.
Oh, venid pronto a Belén
Para contemplar con fe
A Jesús, Autor del bien,
Al recién nacido Rey.
Verse 1
Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plains,
And the mountains in reply,
Echo back their joyous strains.
Gloria in excelsis Deo,
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Verse 2
Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
Say what may the tidings be
Which inspire your heav'nly song.
Day: |
Season of Christmas Christmas (Days of)
Season of Christmas Mary, the Holy Mother of God Season of Christmas The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph |
Scripture: |
Luke 2