The Glory of These Forty Days
By Kevin Keil

Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Lenten Music for Piano and Solo Instrument
Those who enjoyed Kevin Keil’s previous instrumental collections (The King of Love and See Amid The Winter’s Snow) will rejoice upon hearing these skillfully arranged, beloved Lenten hymns. With favorites of both music directors and parishioners, these arrangements for pianists and instrumentalists make a great addition to any parish’s repertoire as the music of The Glory of These Forty Days is perfect for prayer services, penance services, retreats and more.
Alongside the written music, there are two versions of superb recordings available. The accompaniment tracks were compiled to assist musicians as they learn each new arrangement, while the complete recordings will enhance personal meditation, prayer services and retreats. They can even be used during Reconciliation and Eucharistic Adoration to create an intimate, reflective atmosphere, while calling the faithful toward deeper prayer.
Track Listing:
A Lenten Reflection | Adoro Te Devote | All Glory Laud and Honor | At the Cross Her Station Keeping | Pange Lingua Gloriosi | Parce Domine | The Glory of These Forty Days/Signed by Ashes | The Way of Suffering | There Is a Balm in Gilead | What Wondrous Love Is This