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- Today's Music for Today's Church 2020 Supplement

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- Blessed and Holy
- Come, Emmanuel
- The King Shall Come
- Christ Our Light Has Come
- Silent Night, Holy Night
- Un Niño Nos Ha Nacido
- Ángeles Cantando Están/Angels We Have Heard on High
- Jesus to Jordan’s Waters Came
- Ashes to Ashes
- As the Deer
- Gracious God
- Jesus, Meek and Humble
- Arrepiéntete/Repent
- Donde Hay Amor y Caridad/Where Charity and Love Abound
- Who Is the Crucified?
- Behold, before Our Wond’ring Eyes
- The Thorn Tree
- Though Not Seeing You
- Alleluia! Love Is Alive
- Christ the Good Shepherd
- Hallelujah Is Our Song
- Christ Is Alive
- This Day, This Day
- One Sacrifice of Christ
- Pentecost Sequence
- All Are Welcome
- Make the Love of God Known
- Gathered In
- Give Us, O Lord
- Supper of the Lamb
- A Place at Your Table
- Al Partir el Pan
- Vine and Branches
- I Am the Bread of Life
- Bread of Angels
- May the Road Rise Up
- Come, Christ’s Beloved
- Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord
- Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go
- Go Out, Go Out
- Tell the Good News
- The Least of These
- The Jesus Song
- Jesus, Savior, Friend and Brother
- Where True Love Abides
- O God, How Manifest Are Your Works
- Send Out Your Spirit
- Say to the Frightened Heart
- As a Mother Cares
- Love Goes On
- Ubi Caritas/We Will Find God
- The Love of Christ
- Para Amar como Tú
- Hold On to Love
- Drawn by His Word
- The Wondrous News
- To Live with Him Forever
- As Christ Is for Us
- Litany for the Earth
- For the Sake of Christ
- God of Mercy
- Day of Peace
- Peace I Leave with You
- Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
- God of Might and God of Mercy
- Te Alabamos, Señor
- Hymn of Praise (Te Deum)
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
- New Creation
- You Are the Light
- In God Alone
- Jesus Christ, Homeless One
- Tend the Ground
- Laudato Si’! Be Praised, O God!
- You Gather In the Outcast
- Make Your Home in Me
- Benedictus
- Amanecer
- Morning Song
- Evening Song
- Living Streams
- Renew Me, Lord
- Down to the River to Pray
- Let All Praise the Name
- Carry Me Home
- Healed in Christ
- O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia
- Exposition/O Saving Victim
- Santa María del Camino
- Ave Maria
- Upon the Cross
- Take Up Your Cross
- Saints and Beloved of God
- Rejoice in the Promise of Jesus
- Hymn to Christ the King
- A Rightful Place
- O How Blessed
- My God, My God
- Let Us Sing to the Lord; He Has Covered Himself in Glory
- Ustedes Sacarán Agua/You Will Draw Water Joyfully
- Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Glory to God
- Alleluia
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Holy
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When We Eat This Bread
- Save Us, Savior
- Doxology and Amen
- Lamb of God
- Penitential Act with Invocations (Lord, Have Mercy)
- Alleluia
- Glory to God (Through-Composed Version)
- Doxology and Amen
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Holy
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When We Eat This Bread
- Save Us, Savior
- Lamb of God
- Glory to God
- Alleluia
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Holy
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When We Eat This Bread
- Save Us, Savior
- Doxology and Amen
- Lamb of God
- I Saw Water Flowing
- Exaudi Nos/Hear Us, O Lord
- Glory and Praise for Ever (Daniel 3)
- Ángeles Cantando Están/Angels We Have Heard on High
- Arrepiéntete/Repent
- As the Deer
- Ashes to Ashes
- Behold, before Our Wond’ring Eyes
- Blessed and Holy
- Christ Our Light Has Come
- Come, Emmanuel
- Donde Hay Amor y Caridad/Where Charity and Love Abound
- Gracious God
- Jesus to Jordan’s Waters Came
- Jesus, Meek and Humble
- Silent Night, Holy Night
- The King Shall Come
- The Thorn Tree
- Though Not Seeing You
- Un Niño Nos Ha Nacido
- Who Is the Crucified?
- A Place at Your Table
- Al Partir el Pan
- All Are Welcome
- Alleluia! Love Is Alive
- Bread of Angels
- Christ Is Alive
- Christ the Good Shepherd
- Come, Christ’s Beloved
- Gathered In
- Give Us, O Lord
- Hallelujah Is Our Song
- I Am the Bread of Life
- Make the Love of God Known
- May the Road Rise Up
- One Sacrifice of Christ
- Pentecost Sequence
- Supper of the Lamb
- This Day, This Day
- Vine and Branches
- As a Mother Cares
- Drawn by His Word
- Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go
- Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord
- Go Out, Go Out
- Hold On to Love
- Jesus, Savior, Friend and Brother
- Love Goes On
- O God, How Manifest Are Your Works
- Para Amar como Tú
- Say to the Frightened Heart
- Send Out Your Spirit
- Tell the Good News
- The Jesus Song
- The Least of These
- The Love of Christ
- The Wondrous News
- Ubi Caritas/We Will Find God
- Where True Love Abides
- 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)
- Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
- As Christ Is for Us
- Day of Peace
- For the Sake of Christ
- God of Mercy
- God of Might and God of Mercy
- Hymn of Praise (Te Deum)
- In God Alone
- Jesus Christ, Homeless One
- Litany for the Earth
- New Creation
- Peace I Leave with You
- Te Alabamos, Señor
- Tend the Ground
- To Live with Him Forever
- You Are the Light
- Amanecer
- Ave Maria
- Benedictus
- Carry Me Home
- Down to the River to Pray
- Evening Song
- Exposition/O Saving Victim
- Healed in Christ
- Laudato Si’! Be Praised, O God!
- Let All Praise the Name
- Living Streams
- Make Your Home in Me
- Morning Song
- O Saving Victim/O Salutaris Hostia
- Renew Me, Lord
- Saints and Beloved of God
- Santa María del Camino
- Take Up Your Cross
- Upon the Cross
- You Gather In the Outcast
- A Rightful Place
- Alleluia
- Alleluia
- Alleluia
- Doxology and Amen
- Doxology and Amen
- Doxology and Amen
- Exaudi Nos/Hear Us, O Lord
- Glory to God
- Glory to God
- Glory to God (Through-Composed Version)
- Holy
- Holy
- Holy
- Hymn to Christ the King
- I Saw Water Flowing
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let Us Sing to the Lord; He Has Covered Himself in Glory
- My God, My God
- O How Blessed
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Penitential Act with Invocations (Lord, Have Mercy)
- Rejoice in the Promise of Jesus
- Salvador del Mundo/Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Ustedes Sacarán Agua/You Will Draw Water Joyfully
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- Glory and Praise for Ever (Daniel 3)
This supplemental collection to Today's Music for Today's Church contains all of the music added to Breaking Bread, Today's Missal and Music Issue over the past six years. An essential resource for learning and organizing, this collection saves valuable rehearsal time, while showcasing the full potential of each song — a perfect resource for any music director, choir member or musician hoping to learn new music quickly and efficiently. Plus, expert performers, artists and composers deliver clear, unmatched sound quality.
Find music easily with the detailed booklet that lists songs alphabetically by title/composer, disc and track number. The collection comes in a durable hardcover binder, ideal for safe storage and accessibility. Complete your music library with this 6-CD set!