Adoration Basics

Dr. Glenn CJ Byer offers a new addition to OCP’s Basics series with Adoration Basics. As the title suggests, he delivers expert historical and theological insight on Eucharistic Adoration (a form of eucharistic devotion), along with the reservation of the sacrament, the contributions of the saints and more.
One of the most useful features of this book is its Q&A format — wherein each topic is written in the form of a response to potential questions that readers may have. Questions like:
- Was the Blessed Sacrament reserved after the Last Supper?
- Are there any special rules regarding the host for Exposition?
- Does the Pope have a special role in Exposition?
- What kinds of prayers can be used during Exposition or Adoration?
Readers will find this guide to Adoration detailed and in depth, yet clear and accessible. While coming from an academic background, Dr. Byer writes in an almost conversational tone, eager to pass on knowledge and experience. His goal is to help the reader establish and sustain Eucharistic Adoration within their community by offering practical and sound advice, compiling Vatican texts and works of saints on Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction, the Holy Eucharist, the Real Presence of Christ and more.
My approach to liturgies and devotions is that all the best experiences of worship are about the truth. Yes, there are rules, and they can help, but as a guide, let whatever we are doing be about the truth. When it comes to worship of the Blessed Sacrament, this applies with special force, because we need to keep in mind that all forms of worship that are offered to the Blessed Sacrament are focused on Jesus Christ, as it is Christ who is present. –from the "Introduction" in Adoration Basics
This book is a great guide for those who have organized Adoration ceremonies in the past, as well as those completely new to the traditions of Adoration, Holy Hours, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament or eucharistic devotion.
Adoration is a time to spend an hour offering prayers and devotions in the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus — Christ in the Eucharist, the sacred host. This eucharistic presence, through the transubstantiation of the bread and wine to the body and blood, is why many of the Catholic faithful frequent perpetual Adoration. This presence of Jesus — Jesus in the Eucharist — is with us at each Mass during Holy Communion. Grow in of Jesus, spend an hour in perpetual adoration, and celebrate your Catholic faith.
For more information about Eucharistic Adoration — including blogs, music suggestions and other resources — go here.