Saint Meinrad Entrance and Communion Antiphons for the Church Year

Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Vol. 4 Ordinary Time 2-17
Vol. 1 Advent Christmas
Vol. 2 Lent through Holy Week
Vol. 3 Easter through Pentecost
Vol. 5 Ordinary Time 18-33
Vol. 6 Solemnities and Proper of Saints
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Vol. 6 Solemnities and Proper of Saints
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Vol. 1 Advent Christmas
Vol. 2 Lent Through Holy Week
Vol. 3 Easter through Pentecost
Vol. 4 Ordinary Time 2-17
Vol. 5 Ordinary Time 18-33
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Vol. 4 Ordinary Time 2-17
Vol. 1 Advent Christmas
Vol. 2 Lent through Holy Week
Vol. 3 Easter through Pentecost
Vol. 5 Ordinary Time 18-33
Vol. 6 Solemnities and Proper of Saints
Vol. 6 Solemnities and Proper of Saints
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Vol. 1 Advent Christmas
Vol. 2 Lent Through Holy Week
Vol. 3 Easter through Pentecost
Vol. 4 Ordinary Time 2-17
Vol. 5 Ordinary Time 18-33
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Modal Settings of Roman Missal Texts in Modern Notation
Inspired by the ancient faith communities and a deep love for classical Gregorian chant, Benedictine Father Columba Kelly composed this series of chants for modern assemblies. By focusing on the idea that chants are simply sung prayer that springs from intensified speech, Father Kelly brings us this collection of the Entrance and Communion Antiphons that make the serene beauty of chant more accessible for parishes, monasteries, convents and seminaries.
Assembly Book
With simplified refrains for the assembly and antiphons for the choir or cantor, the assembly books are the perfect way to incorporate these beautiful chants into the Sunday or daily liturgy. Conveniently sized to fit into missal covers or the back pockets of OCP hymnals, these small booklets will make it easy to incorporate antiphons into your liturgies.
Sampler CD
Beautifully recorded, the examples on the CD are ideal for learning how to sing the plainsong of antiphons, the simpler congregational refrains and the chanted psalm tones of the verses.
Cantor/Keyboard Editions
Providing all antiphons, psalm verses for cantor/choir and keyboard accompaniments, the six spiral-bound cantor/keyboard editions cover every Sunday, major feast days and solemnities and the Proper of Saints. The optional accompaniments by Raymond Henderson lend support for cantors and choirs, especially those new to this speech-inspired style of singing.
Antiphons for Rituals Editions
The Sacraments and Parish Rituals edition provides proper antiphons for Confirmation, Marriage, Dedication of a Church, Dedication of an Altar and Funeral liturgies (both during and outside of Easter Time).
The Cathedral Rituals edition includes settings for Rite of Election, Chrism Mass, Ordinations (Bishops, Priests, Deacons), Blessing of an Abbott or Abbess and Religious Profession. All antiphon settings include simple congregational refrains (reproducible assembly editions included), psalm verses for cantor/choir, and keyboard accompaniments by Raymond Henderson.