The song “Transfiguration” is my humble attempt to convey the awe and wonder that must have been present in the eyes and hearts of the three disciples when Jesus was gloriously transfigured by God before them:
“We behold the splendor of God shining on the face of Jesus. We behold the splendor of God shining on the face of the Son.”
However, I wanted to make sure that we did not look upon that event as only a moment of the past in our salvation history. In Verse 1, I tried to convey poetically that the “beauty” present on that day on Mt. Tabor is still with each of us today.
“And oh, how his beauty transforms us, the wonder of presence abiding. Transparent hearts give reflection of Tabor’s light within, of Tabor’s light within.”
The shining presence of Jesus continues to transform us. The wonder of Christ’s abiding presence is as real today as it was on that day. And it is also true that there are many among us whose transparent hearts — hearts that are completely open to Jesus’ abiding presence — give reflection of that same beautiful light that was present on Mt. Tabor. They are the ones who are so closely one with the Lord that they radiate Christ’s light from within.
In Verse 2 I wanted to convey the feelings expressed by the disciples, and the daily desire of each of us as we journey with the Lord:
“Jesus, Lord of Glory, Jesus, Beloved Son, oh, how good to be with you; how good to share your light; how good to share your light.”
The Transfiguration is a Feast of Light. It is the second “epiphany” or manifestation of Jesus and prefigures the final “epiphany” — the resurrection. After Jesus’ announcement of his passion and death, this scene of Jesus’ transfiguration is a heavenly confirmation that all will end in glory — the glory of the resurrection.
May the glory of the Risen Christ, who is ever with us, ever near, shine in your heart and help you to reflect the light of goodness and love to everyone as you serve with compassion and care.