Discover music for your choir from the Choral Review Service. Highlighting songs of varying difficulty, instrumentation and style, the Choral Review Service will introduce you to inspiring, seasonal choral works from respected liturgical composers three times per year. Below are just a few examples of the music within the Winter 2023 packet with titles for Ordinary Time and general use, plus a detailed description and insight on how to use each piece.
May the Angels Lead You Home
Sarah Hart and Francesca LaRosa
Difficulty level: Easy/Medium
Voicing: Two-part Choir
Instrumentation: Piano, Guitar, Assembly
This heartfelt song recounts the lessons and memories that our departed loved ones have left behind and serves as a reminder of the promise of eternal life through Christ. Its simple melody brings focus to the text—the refrain of which references In Paradisum—and allows for prayerful participation from the assembly. This title can be used for an extended procession as the casket is led from the church and will be especially effective when its companion octavo, “Song of Farewell,” ed. 30151710 (also by Hart and LaRosa) is used for the Final Commendation.
The Time Is Near/I Will March (African Praise Songs from Zambia)
Jeff Wood
Difficulty level: Medium
Voicing: SATB a cappella, Optional Solo
Instrumentation: Optional Percussion
This lively medley of two Zambian songs was inspired by the musical exchange experienced by Jeff Wood during his mission work in the Sinazongwe region. Its arrangement for a cappella SATB choir, optional solo, and optional percussion tactfully pays homage to the energy and beauty of African music. This piece will add musical variety to any liturgy and is a wonderful example of the worldwide appeal of Christ’s message of salvation.
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
Anthony Giamanco
Difficulty level: Medium
Voicing: Two-part Choir
Instrumentation: Keyboard
This delightful work for two-part voices (any combination) and keyboard pairs an original melody with the well-known hymn tune, OLD HUNDREDTH. Singers should employ a light, but vibrant, tone throughout, with little vibrato, reminiscent of English church choirs. This would be a great selection for Holy Trinity, or liturgies that feature themes of creation and praise.
In Every Age
Ephrem Feeley
Difficulty level: Easy/Medium
Voicing: CSATB Choir, Descant
Instrumentation: Keyboard, Guitar, Oboe, Assembly
To underscore the scriptural origin of Isaac Watts’s classic text, “O God, Our Help in Ages Past,” Feeley has added a refrain—a verbatim quotation from Psalm 90—all set to a hauntingly beautiful melody that conveys how significantly we need God’s help.
Lift Up Your Hearts
Rick Modlin and Owen Alstott
Difficulty level: Easy/Medium
Voicing: SATB Choir, Descant
Instrumentation: Keyboard, Guitar, Trumpet in C, Assembly
This new text by Alstott is full of social justice concerns and the call to service. Its four verses and memorable refrain cover a wide range of topics—including discipleship, evangelization, charity, unity, and love for others—making it appropriate for use throughout the liturgical year. Modlin’s strong, rugged setting, features striking harmonic shifts and an assertive foursquare rhythmic profile.
What I Have Seen
Dan Schutte
Difficulty level: Easy/Medium
Voicing: SAB Choir, Descant
Instrumentation: Keyboard, Guitar, Trumpet I & II in B♭, Assembly
Bearing many of the hallmarks of classic titles by Dan Schutte—including a singable, memorable melody and straightforward SAB choral support throughout—your assembly is sure to learn this new song quickly. The primary topics of this song—Christian life, discipleship, and ministry/mission—are inspired by the call of Andrew the Apostle, making it ideal for use during Confirmation, Holy Orders and other rites of religious profession, and other rites of initiation.
My Heart is Ready, O God
James Pardini
Difficulty level: Medium
Voicing: SATB Choir
Instrumentation: Organ
With a text based on Psalm 57:8–12 and thematic topics of discipleship, Christian life, and praise, this outstanding choral anthem is especially appropriate for rites of religious profession and Holy Orders. Though the piece employs a lush, sophisticated harmonic language and features a high degree of independence among voice parts, the melody itself is attractive and tuneful and always at the forefront of the sweeping musical texture.
Explore more music from this season's edition
Choral Review Service
These songs can be found in Choral Packet 107 from the Choral Review Service. Offering music for traditional and contemporary choirs, children’s voices and intercultural ensembles, the Choral Review Service is the best way to find something new for your choir and community.