- A Holy Day Has Dawned Upon Us. Come, You Nations, and Adore the Lord. For Today a Great Light Has Come Upon the Earth
- Alleluia
- Amen
- Blessed Are They Who Have Kept the Word with a Generous Heart and Yield a Harvest through Perseverance
- Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit, For Theirs Is the Kingdom of Heaven
- Even Now, Says the Lord, Return to Me with Your Whole Heart; For I Am Gracious and Merciful
- From the Shining Cloud the Father’s Voice Is Heard: This Is My Beloved Son, Hear Him
- Glory to God
- Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth Peace to Those on Whom His Favor Rests
- Go and Teach All Nations, Says the Lord; I Am with You Always, until the End of the World
- Holy
- I Am the Good Shepherd, Says the Lord; I Know My Sheep, and Mine Know Me
- I Am the Light of the World, Says the Lord; Whoever Follows Me Will Have the Light of Life
- I Am the Light of the World, Says the Lord; Whoever Follows Me Will Have the Light of Life
- I Am the Resurrection and the Life, Says the Lord; Whoever Believes in Me, Even if He Dies, Will Never Die
- I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, Says the Lord; No One Comes to the Father, Except Through Me
- I Give You a New Commandment, Says the Lord: Love One Another as I Have Loved You
- I Give You a New Commandment, Says the Lord; Love One Another as I Have Loved You
- I Will Get Up and Go to My Father and Shall Say to Him: Father, I Have Sinned against Heaven and against You
- Jesus Christ Is the Firstborn of the Dead; To Him Be Glory and Power, Forever and Ever
- Kyrie, Eleison
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let the Peace of Christ Control Your Hearts; Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly
- Lord, You Are Truly the Savior of the World; Give Me Living Water, That I May Never Thirst Again
- Love Has Captured the Night
- May the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ Enlighten the Eyes of our Hearts, That We May Know What Is the Hope That Belongs to Our Call
- My Sheep Hear My Voice, Says the Lord; I Know Them, and They Follow Me
- Open Our Hearts, O Lord, to Listen to the Words of Your Son
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Save Us, Savior
- Show Us, Lord, Your Love; and Grant Us Your Salvation
- Take My Yoke Upon You, Says the Lord, and Learn from Me, for I Am Meek and Humble of Heart
- The Father Willed to Give Us Birth by the Word of Truth That We May Be a Kind of Firstfruits of His Creatures
- The Word of God Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us. To Those Who Accepted Him, He Gave Power to Become Children of God
- The Word of God Is Living and Effective, Discerning Reflections and Thoughts of the Heart
- The Word of the Lord Remains for Ever. This is the Word That Has Been Proclaimed to You
- Tomorrow the Wickedness of the Earth Will Be Destroyed: the Savior of the World Will Reign Over Us
- We Have Found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, Who Brings Us Truth and Grace
- We Proclaim Your Death
- When We Eat This Bread
- You Believe in Me, Thomas, Because You Have Seen Me, Says the Lord; Blessed Are They Who Have Not Seen Me, But Still Believe!
- You Believe in Me, Thomas, Because You Have Seen Me, Says the Lord; Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen Me, But Still Believe
- You Have But One Father in Heaven and One Master, the Christ
- Your Word, O Lord, Is Truth; Consecrate Us in the Truth
Leland G. "Grae" McCullough, IV, known to most by his nickname, "Grae," has been writing music since he was a young teenager. A southern boy through and through, he graduated from Louisiana State University in Alexandria, Louisiana, where he received a bachelor of liberal arts degree in English.
Armed with a passion for music and the Church, Grae seeks to combine those elements in his writing, composing songs that are both current and in accord with the Church's rich musical traditions. With heartfelt lyrics and easy-to-sing melodies, his music is meant to be sung in worship by God's people. Grae's recent release, Mass of Restoration, a verbatim Mass setting for contemporary liturgies was co-written with bandmate Josh Blakesley and beautifully demonstrates his approachable writing style.
For the past several years Grae has been working closely with Josh and his band, playing guitar, singing background vocals, making albums and traveling around the country sharing his gift of music with people everywhere. Released in 2015, the band's most recent full-length album, Even In This, is a ten-song collection about God's omniscient presence even in the darkest of times.
Currently, Grae lives in Pineville, Louisiana, and he serves as associate music director alongside Josh at Our Lady of Prompt Succor in the neighboring city of Alexandria.