†Bernard Huijbers (1922–2003), a native of Holland, was one of the leading composers of contemporary liturgical music. Approximately 200 works have resulted from his collaboration with Huub Oosterhuis, the well-known Dutch poet and liturgist.
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A former Jesuit, †Bernard Huijbers (1922–2003) studied under Ernest Mulder during his Jesuit course of studies, receiving the state certificate for musical theory in 1951. Later, he studied at the Amsterdam Conservatory and received the certificate for school music in 1960. He served as senior master of school music and choirmaster at St. Ignatius College, Amsterdam, until 1969. Afterwards, he served as composer, choir director and liturgical team member at St. Dominic's parish in Amsterdam.
After 1961, Bernard composed a wealth of material, and 11 Dutch music collections of the Huijbers/Oosterhuis material have been released. believed that liturgical music must be simple, that the assembly must be viewed as a "performing audience" and that the music must bring life to what it celebrates.
Bernard’ work as composer and choir director reflects his years of close contact with people throughout Europe and in the United States.