Scot Crandal is a gifted composer, singer and musician whose music draws us into joyful praise and song with strong, memorable melodies, a variety of contemplative and driving rhythms, and well-placed syncopation.
- All Creation, Clap Your Hands
- Arise to Greet the Lord of Light
- Ave Verum Corpus
- Christ Be Beside Me
- Faithful to the Spirit’s Prompting
- From Dust We Came, to Dust Return
- From This Assembly
- Gloria In Excelsis Deo
- Hail, Mary, Our Icon
- Hymn to the Spirit
- I Know How You Want Me to Live
- In This Place
- It Is Good for Us to Be Here
- Jesus, in Death You Shed Your Blood
- Let My Prayer Rise
- Let My Prayer Rise Up
- Let Nothing Disturb You (Nada Te Turbe)
- Let Us All Rejoice in the Lord
- Like a Deer (Psalm 42)
- Lord Jesus, from Your Wounded Side
- Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life
- May the Road Rise Up to Meet You
- My God, My God (Psalm 22)
- O Gracious Light
- O How Amiable
- O Word of God, in Flesh You Came
- Rejoice in the Promise of Jesus
- Sing Praise to God, the Gardener
- Sing, All Creation
- Spirit of Faith
- The Lord Fixed Fast The Mountains
- The Lord Is My Light (Psalm 27)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- The Lord Is My Shepherd/I Shall Live in the House of the Lord
- The Thorn Tree
- The Whole World Tells
- The Wisdom of the Living God
- Verbum Caro Factum Est
- Waken, O Sleeper
- What Is Our Service to Be
- With Empty Hands and Empty Hearts
- You Gather In the Outcast
- Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
Scot Crandal is a gifted composer, singer and musician. Director of music at the Episcopal Parish of St. John the Baptist in Portland, Oregon, Scot has also worked at OCP for several years, both as a music editor and now as music creative associate director. He earned his music degree from Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington, and was a music teacher in public schools for several years. In addition to writing songs for the liturgy, Scot composes and performs jazz, classical and popular music. He plays guitar and piano, and has showcased his strong tenor voice in several Portland Opera productions.
Scot's annual psalter, The Living Church Acclaims, offers contemporary responsorial psalms and Gospel acclamations for the entire liturgical year. His most recent collection, Down to the River to Pray brings together eight liturgical songs and choral anthems that are wonderfully unique and equally well-written and arranged.
Scot lives in Oregon with his wife, Karen, and their two children.