An extraordinarily gifted musician, composer and teacher, Scott has written some of the most beloved songs for worship in the Church today, including “Loving and Forgiving” and “I Know That My Redeemer Lives.”
- Alleluia
- Child of the Poor
- Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
- Cup of Blessing
- Doxology and Amen
- For God Alone
- Gift of New Life
- Glory and Praise for Ever
- Glory and Praise for Ever
- Glory to God
- Glory to God
- God Is Here
- God of the Hungry
- Holy
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives
- I Turn to You, Lord, in Time of Trouble, and You Fill Me with the Joy of Salvation
- I Will Always Thank the Lord
- I Will Praise Your Name (Psalm 145)
- I Will Raise You Up
- If Today You Hear His Voice (Psalm 95)
- Lamb of God
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let All the Earth (Psalm 66)
- Lord, Every Nation on Earth Will Adore You
- Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness (Psalm 85)
- Lord, Let Your Mercy Be on Us, As We Place Our Trust in You
- Lord, Let Your Mercy be on Us, as We Place Our Trust in You
- Lord, to Whom Shall We Go
- Loving and Forgiving
- Magnificat
- O God of Love
- On the Lips of an Angel/Ave Maria
- One Lord
- Our Blessing-Cup (Psalm 116)
- Out of the Depths
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Save Us, Savior of the World
- Send Us
- Spirit of God Within Me
- Tell Out, My Soul
- The Goodness of the Lord
- The Path of Life
- The Spirit of God
- This Is the Day
- To You, O Lord
- We Are His People (Psalm 100)
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Who Believe
- What Shall I Give
- When We Eat This Bread
- You Are a Priest for Ever, in the Line of Melchizedek
- You Are the Healing
Scott Soper is an extraordinarily gifted musician, composer and teacher. A native of Maine, Scott studied music at Ithaca College in New York. A multi-instrumentalist, he has performed extensively on piano, organ, guitar, clarinet, saxophone, flute, oboe and recorder. He spent several years teaching in public and parochial schools in New England. Involved in church music since his teen years, he has served as director of music at parishes in Indiana, Illinois, Connecticut and Maine. He has performed in concert and in the studio with Marty Haugen, Michael Joncas, Jeanne Cotter, Bobby Fisher and Bob Hurd.
Scott has written some of the most beloved songs for worship in the Church today, including “Loving and Forgiving,” “I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” “Child of the Poor,” and “To You, O Lord.” His collectiosn include You Alone Have the Words, Cup of Blessing and The Goodness of the Lord.
After years serving as director of music at parishes in Indiana, Illinois, Connecticut and his home state of Maine, Scott now lives in Indianapolis, IN. He is music development specialist for OCP.