Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, is a monk of the Camaldolese Congregation, musician, composer, author and teacher. Much of both his music and his teaching revolve around the Universal Call to Contemplation through spirituality and the arts.
- A Light Will Shine
- Alleluia, Are Not Our Hearts
- Animas Run
- Are You Ready to Drink the Cup
- As One Unknown
- Awake at Last
- Awakening
- Be Consoled
- Be Merciful, O Lord/Create a Clean Heart
- Beautiful Naked Runner
- Behind and Before Me
- Behold this Child
- Benedicta Es Tu
- Benedictus Es/Namo Janitre
- Bismillah
- Blessed Are
- Blessed Are You, 2
- Blessed Are You, 3
- Blessed Are You, 4
- Blessed are You
- By the Streams of Babylon
- Canticle of Simeon
- Change Us Into What We Receive
- Circle Song
- Create a Clean Heart
- Dance of the Seventh Sky
- Do Not Fear
- Echo of Your Peace
- Eternal
- First Divertissement: The Dance of Zechariah
- For I Am Convinced
- Fourth Divertissement: The Nativity
- Glorioso
- Glory to God
- He Prabhu
- Hidden in My Silence
- How Good It Is
- How Great Is Your Name
- How Shall I Make Return
- Hymn (Morning Prayer)
- Hymn (O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God)
- I Thirst
- I Will Lift Up My Eyes
- I, the Lord
- If You Love Me
- In the Heart of the Desert
- Intercessions
- Is The One I Love Everywhere?
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- Jesus Christ, Our Abba's Joyous Light
- Jesus, Be Here
- La Luna Gallia (The Yellow Moon)
- Lead Me from Death Into Life
- Leave the Past in Ashes
- Lebanon
- Let Us Go to Bethlehem
- Litany of the Holy Cross
- Los Laberintos
- Loving Kindness
- Mirror No. 1
- Moon in my Body
- My Heart Is Ready
- My Soul's Companion
- Night Prayer Blessing
- Not to Us
- Now All the Woods Are Sleeping
- O Virtus Sapientiae
- Out of the Depths
- Praise to You
- Proclamation of the Birth of Christ and Geneology
- Put Love First
- Second Divertissement: The Annunciation
- Sirens
- Song for the Child
- Song of the Three Young Men
- Spirit in the Cave of the Heart
- Sprinkling Rite
- Startled By God
- Streams of Living Water
- The Angel of the Lord Will Rescue Those Who Fear Him
- The Announcement of the Birth of Jesus
- The Announcement of the Birth of John
- The Birth of Jesus
- The Birth of John
- The Canticle of Mary
- The Canticle of Simeon
- The Canticle of Zechariah
- The Children of Jerusalem
- The Great Mother
- The Greatest Among You
- The Ground We Share
- The Journey Into Nothing
- The Lord Is My Light
- The Lord's Mountain
- The Love of God
- The Presentation in the Temple
- The Return to Nazareth
- The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
- There Is No Joy (Like Freedom)
- There Is a Light
- Third Divertissement: The Visitation
- This Is Who You Are
- Unless a Grain of Wheat
- Vedahametam
- Well Done, Faithful Servant
- What Is There to Wait For
- What Will This Child Be
- When God Released the Captives
- When Israel Was a Child
- You Are Child
Cyprian Consiglio, OSB Cam, grew up near in Illinois and later spent years living in Phoenix, Arizona, where he worked as a professional musician, performer (guitarist and vocalist), arranger and producer. He earned his master’s degree in theology from St. John's Seminary in Camarillo, California, and was ordained in 1998. A student of the writings of Bede Griffiths and Abhishiktananda, Cyprian has a great love for comparative religion and he has been to India several times to study and teach.
Along with his six collections of original music recorded and published through OCP, Cyprian released three others through the Equilibrium label with his longtime collaborator, percussionist John Pennington, as well as two other collections self-published out of Singapore. The Equilibrium collections are titled Awakening, The Song of Luke and Compassionate and Wise. Another collection to his credit is Wait, My Soul, In Silence, music for meditation created in collaboration with Laurence Freeman for MedioMedia. He has also collaborated on several collections of a capella sacred music for the church year with the Collegeville Composers Group.
Cyprian is a monk at the New Camaldoli Hermitage in the Diocese of Monterey, California. He serves as secretary general of the Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique - Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (DIM•MID), a movement within the Benedictine and Cistercian order aimed to promote interfaith dialogue between monastic communities of different religions.