With more than 45 years of composing under his belt, Bob Hurd knows a thing or two about music and liturgy. That might explain why so many of his songs for worship have become classics in the repertoire.
- A Listening Heart
- A Ti, Señor/To You, O Lord
- Abide in Me
- Aclamación Conmemorativa I/Memorial Acclamation B
- Aclamación Conmemorativa II/Memorial Acclamation C
- Acompáñame, Señor/Be with Me, O Lord
- Acto Penitencial, Formulario 3/Penitential Act with Invocations
- Agnus Dei
- Alaben al Señor, Que Ensalza al Pobre
- Alaben al Señor/Praise the Lord
- Aleluya
- Alive in One Spirit
- All My Life
- All Those Who Wait
- All the Ends of the Earth
- Alleluia
- Alleluia
- Alleluia! He Is Risen
- Amen
- Amen 2
- Amén
- Amén/Amen
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Anunciamos Tu Muerte/We Proclaim Your Death
- Arise, O Jerusalem
- As Grains Once Scattered
- As the Deer Longs
- As the Farmer Waits
- Await the Lord with Hope
- Be It Done Unto Me
- Be with Me
- Be with Me, O God
- Behold the Cross
- Behold the Cross
- Bendición Sacerdotal/Final Blessing
- Beside Flowing Waters
- Bread of Heaven
- Cada Vez que Comemos/When We Eat This Bread
- Call Us to Your Table
- Chant Glory to God (Through-Composed)
- Christ Our Passover
- Christ the Good Shepherd
- Closing Dialogue and Prayer
- Come to Me and Drink
- Come to the River
- Come unto Me
- Compañeros de Cristo / Companions of Christ
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Cordero de Dios/Lamb of God
- Create in Me
- Cristo Ha Muerto
- Cup of Blessing
- Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Fullness of Redemption
- Del Señor Viene la Misericordia/With the Lord There Is Mercy
- Despedida/Dismissal
- Dining in the Kingdom
- Dios Mío, Dios Mío/My God, My God
- Donde Dos o Tres/Where Two or Three
- Doxology
- Doxology and Amen
- Doxology and Amen
- Doxology and Amen
- Each Time I Think of You
- Easter / Dedication Alleluia
- Emmaus and Jerusalem
- En Esta Carne Mía / I Know that My Redeemer Lives
- Envía Tu Espíritu
- Envía Tu Espíritu
- Eucharistic Prayer II
- Eucharistic Prayer II (through Institution Narrative)
- Eucharistic Prayer II: Doxology 2
- Eucharistic Prayer II: Post Narrative 2
- Eucharistic Prayer II: Preface Dialogue
- Everlasting Your Love
- Every Creature Is Sister and Brother
- Father, Your Will Be Done
- Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation
- Fifth Joyful Mystery: The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
- Fifth Luminous Mystery: Christ's Institution of the Eucharist
- Filled with the Spirit
- First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection
- First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
- First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Jesus
- First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony In the Garden
- Flow River Flow
- Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption
- Fourth Joyful Mystery: The Presentation
- Fourth Luminous Mystery: The Transfiguration
- Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
- Fracción del Pan
- From My Mother's Womb
- Gather Your People
- General Intercessions (Setting 2 – God of Mercy)
- Give Us Eyes to See
- Give Us, O Lord
- Gloria
- Gloria a Ti, Señor/Praise to You, O Lord/Aleluya
- Gloria/Glory to God
- Glory to God
- Glory to God
- Glory to God
- Glory to the Father
- God of Mercy
- God’s Eye Is on the Sparrow
- Gracious God
- Greeting and Invitation: Kyrie, Eleison
- Greeting and Invitation: Penitential Act with Invocations
- Greeting and Invitation: Sprinkling Rite
- Hail Mary
- Heart of Jesus
- Here I Am, O Lord
- Holy
- Holy
- Holy
- Holy
- Holy Is the Temple
- Hoy Brillará una Luz sobre Nosotros / A Light Will Shine on Us
- I Am the Resurrection and the Life
- I Am the Vine
- I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life
- I Give You a New Commandment
- I Give You a New Commandment
- I Have Seen the Lord
- I Saw Water Flowing
- I Saw Water Flowing
- I Want to Praise Your Name
- I, the Lord, Am with You Always
- If Today
- If You Belong to Me
- In This House
- In This House/Nourished at This Holy Table
- In the Breaking of the Bread
- Intercesiones/Intercessions
- Introducción al Prefacio/Preface Dialogue
- Journeysong
- Kyrie Litany for Advent
- Kyrie Litany for Lent
- Kyrie Litany of Praise/Letanía de Alabanza
- Kyrie, Eleison
- Kyrie, Eleison
- Kyrie, Eleison
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God
- Lamb of God: Setting 1
- Lamb of God: Setting 2
- Lamentation
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Lenten Gospel Acclamation
- Let All the Earth Cry Out
- Let It Be Done to Us/Tu Voluntad, Señor
- Let Us Go Rejoicing
- Let Us Go Rejoicing (Psalm 122)
- Let Us Share This Bread of Life
- Like a Weaned Child
- Lord, Have Mercy
- Lord, Let My Prayer Arise/Suba Mi Oración
- Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore/Pan de Vida
- Lord’s Prayer
- Los Confines de la Tierra / All the Ends of the Earth
- Los Confines de la Tierra / All the Ends of the Earth
- Madre del Desaparecido
- Medley: Lamb of God / Let us Share This Bread of Life
- Mi Dios, Mi Dios
- Miserere Nobis
- Misericordia, Señor/Show Us Your Mercy, O Lord
- My Heart Is Searching
- My Soul Is Thirsting
- No Hay Amor Más Grande/No Greater Love
- No Longer I
- No Longer I
- Not by Bread Alone
- Nourished at This Holy Table
- O God, Hear Us
- O How I Long To See
- O Love of God/Amor de Dios
- O Sacred Head
- O Sacred Head
- O Word of God, in Flesh You Came
- One with the Risen Lord
- Opening Dialogue
- Our Blessing Cup
- Our Life Is Hidden with Christ
- Out into the Wilderness
- Padre, en Tus Manos/Father, into Your Hands
- Padrenuestro / The Lord’s Prayer
- Pan de Vida
- Pan de Vida
- Peace on Earth
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Penitential Act with Invocations
- Pentecost Sequence
- Por Tu Cruz
- Por Tu Cruz/Save Us, Savior
- Post Narrative
- Post-Sanctus and Institution Narrative
- Power of Love
- Praise the Lord, My Soul/Lord, Come and Save Us
- Preface Dialogue
- Preface Dialogue
- Preface Dialogue and Preface
- Preface to Eucharistic Prayer II
- Preface to Eucharistic Prayer IV
- Prepare Me a Body
- Protégeme, Dios Mío / Keep Me Safe, O God
- Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful
- Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful, Slow to Anger and Rich in Compassion
- Psalm 118: Alleluia
- Psalm 118: This Is the Day
- Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name for Ever
- Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name for Ever
- Psalm 145: The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us
- Psalm 145: The Hand of the Lord Feeds Us
- Psalm 145: The Lord Is Near to All Who Call Upon Him
- Psalm 146: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
- Psalm 146: Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
- Psalm 146: Lord, Come and Save Us
- Psalm 146: Praise the Lord, My Soul
- Psalm 16: Lord, You Will Show Us the Path of Life
- Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
- Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
- Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance, O Lord
- Psalm 19: Lord, You Have the Words of Everlasting Life
- Psalm 19: Lord, You Have the Words/The Precepts of the Lord/Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
- Psalm 19: The Precepts of the Lord Give Joy to the Heart
- Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
- Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
- Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
- Psalm 23: I Shall Live in the House of the Lord
- Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd/I Shall Live in the House of the Lord
- Psalm 31: Father, into Your Hands
- Psalm 34: Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord
- Psalm 34: Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord
- Psalm 34: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
- Psalm 40: Here Am I, Lord
- Psalm 40: Here Am I, Lord
- Psalm 40: Lord, Come to My Aid
- Psalm 51: Create in Me
- Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You
- Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You
- Psalm 90: Fill Us With Your Love
- Psalm 90: If Today You Hear His Voice
- Psalm 90: In Every Age, O Lord
- Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice
- Psalm 98: All the Ends of the Earth
- Psalm 98: All the Ends of the Earth/The Lord Has Revealed
- Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth
- Psalm 98: The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations
- Pueblo de Dios
- Put On Christ
- Que Nuestro Único Orgullo/We Should Glory
- Ready the Way
- Remember Not the Things of the Past
- Return to Me
- Return to Me
- Rito de Conclusión/Concluding Rite
- Saints of God
- Salmo 114 y 115: Caminaré/Psalm 116: I Will Walk
- Salmo 22/Psalm 23: Acuérdate de Mí en Tu Reino
- Salmo 24/Psalm 25: A Ti, Señor, Levanto Mi Alma
- Salmo 62: Mi Alma Está Sedienta/Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting
- Salmos 41/42: Mi Alma Tiene Sed/Psalms 42/43: My Soul Is Thirsting
- Saludo/Greeting
- Salvador del Mundo
- Sanctus
- Santo
- Santo/Holy
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Save Us, Savior
- Say to the Frightened Heart
- Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension
- Second Luminous Mystery: The Wedding at Cana
- Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
- Send Us Forth
- Señor, Ten Piedad
- Señor, Ten Piedad/Lord, Have Mercy
- Shelter Me, O God
- Show Us Your Kindness
- Simon, Son of John
- Somos Su Pueblo
- Song of Blessing
- Song of the Man Born Blind
- Taste and See
- Taste and See That the Lord Is Good
- Te Alabamos, Señor
- Te Rogamos, Señor
- Te Rogamos, Señor
- The Bread I Will Give
- The Bread That I Will Give
- The Good Shepherd
- The Least of These
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The Water I Shall Give
- The Word Is in Your Heart
- They Who Do Justice
- Third Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit
- Third Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
- Third Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns
- This Is the Day
- This Is the Day
- Those Who Eat My Flesh
- Those Who Eat My Flesh/Los Que Comen Mi Carne
- Though Not Seeing You
- To Whom Else Shall We Go
- To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul
- Transfigure Us, O Lord
- Truth in the Heart
- Two Were Bound for Emmaus
- Tú Vas Conmigo/The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Ubi Caritas
- Ubi Caritas
- Unless a Grain of Wheat
- Unless a Grain of Wheat
- Vayan por el Mundo
- Ven al Banquete/Come to the Feast
- Ven, Jesús, Emmanuel/Come, O Come, Emmanuel
- Vengan, Aclamemos al Señor
- Veni Creator Spiritus
- We Adore Your Cross
- We Are All Parts of One Body
- We Proclaim Christ Crucified
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death
- We Proclaim Your Death, O Lord
- We Should Glory
- We Who Hunger Come to the Table/Los Que Tienen Hambre Vienen
- When I Am Lifted Up
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- When We Eat This Bread
- Where There Is Love
- Where You Go
- Whoever Is in Christ
- Wisdom Has Built Herself a House
- With All the Saints
- With Joy You Shall Draw Water
- Yo Soy el Pan Vivo/I Am the Living Bread
- You Are Always with Me
- You Spread This Table
- You Will Draw Water (Sprinkling Rite)
- Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem
- Your Way, O God
- Your Words, Lord, Are Spirit and Life
- Óyenos, Mi Dios/Listen to Your People
- Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People
- Óyenos, Señor/Listen to Your People
Bob Hurd has served as a teacher, composer and liturgist in various pastoral and academic settings, including Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley, St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park, California, Santa Clara University and most recently, Seattle University’s School of Theology and Ministry.
Bob began composing music shortly after Vatican II when the need arose for new music in the vernacular, music that the whole assembly could sing. Thus began 45 years of composing music for the liturgy. Bob is also known as an early pioneer of bilingual and multilingual music, with compositions like “Pan de Vida” and Misa de las Américas. One of his latest offerings, The Bread of Your Word, includes eight songs for Advent, Lent, Holy Thursday, the Easter season and Ordinary Time, as well as the complete Santa Clara Mass.
Our Common Home was inspired by Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ encyclical, with songs for liturgy and prayer that speak to themes of care for creation, poverty and solidarity. After writing “Every Creature Is Sister and Brother,” he invited several well-known OCP composers to contribute additional songs highlighting the connection between the Eucharist and environmental concerns.
We Should Glory, Bob’s latest work in collaboration with Ken Canedo, provides music in two volumes ranging from Palm Sunday to the Easter Season. Many of these songs set official texts to music. Bob and Ken have also collaborated on a new mass setting, Mass of the Compassionate Christ.
In 2005, he received the Faithful Servant Award from the Southwest Liturgical Conference, and in 2010, he was named NPM’s Pastoral Musician of the Year.
Bob’s most recent book, Compassionate Christ, Compassionate People (Liturgical Press, 2019), reflects his years of teaching, writing, composing and serving as a pastoral musician. It was voted first place in the category of liturgy by both the Association of Catholic Publishers and the Catholic Press Association.
Bob lives in Claremont, California with his wife, Pia Moriarty, who has collaborated with him on much of his bilingual music.