O God of Every Longing

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O God Of Every Longing was written at the beginning of July, 2020, when we were in full COVID lockdown, and worries and tensions were high. I had been on FaceTime with my parents that day, and hung up afterwards in tears. I just wanted so much to be able to visit them, as my family usually does in summer, to wrap my arms around them. I longed more than anything for my family to simply be together. I sat at the piano, and the first four lines of lyric and melody just flowed out of my heart. It is such a gift to know that in every struggle, every sigh and ache of our hearts, we have a God who not only knows our longings, but meets us in them, wrestles with our restlessness, and restores our hope. I hope this song will heal hearts and bring peace as it finds its way into liturgies, reconciliation services, funerals and moments of personal reflection.
- Sarah Hart
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Good Shepherd Healing Hope Longing for God Suffering Suffering of Christ |