From: Rise Up & Sing, 3rd Ed. CD Library
from Pange Lingua Gloriosi
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
From: Rise Up & Sing, 3rd Ed. CD Library
from Pange Lingua Gloriosi
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
Find Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi in:
Tantum ergo Sacraméntum
Venerémur cérnui:
Et antíquum documéntum
Novo cedat rítui:
Praestet fides suppleméntum
Sénsuum deféctui.
Genitóri, Genitóque
Laus et jubilátio,
Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benedíctio:
Procedénti ab utróque
Compar sit laudátio. Amen.
Khiêm cung kính th? bí tích cao quý,
Chúa uy linh ?ang ng? gi?a ch?n này.
Dù nghi l? x?a ?ã t?ng loan truy?n,
sao sánh bì ???c nghi l? m?i này.
Ni?m tin giúp nh?n bi?t chính Chúa ?ây.
tuy giác quan chúng ta ch?ng th?y.
Tôn vinh Chúa Cha vinh quang chiên th?ng.
Chúa Ngôi Con muôn ??i ?áng chúc t?ng.
Cùng chung ánh sáng vinh d? uy quy?n.
Trong ánh vinh quang cùng Chúa Thánh Th?n.
T? n?i d??ng tr?n vang ti?ng chúc khen.
Lên t?i tòa Chúa ch?n tr?i cao. Amen.
Down in adoration falling,
This great sacrament we hail;
Over ancient forms of worship
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith will tell us Christ is present,
When our human senses fail.
To the everlasting Father,
And the Son who made us free,
And the Spirit, God proceeding
From them each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty. Amen.