Amo Tu Voluntad/I Love Your Commands

Using an upbeat and vibrantly syncopated accompaniment in a cumbia style, this bilingual piece is ideal for gatherings. The melody itself in both the refrain and the verses is more mildly syncopated, with a simple two-part harmony on the refrain and verses that alternate Spanish and English lyrics. Two trumpet parts are also included.
Amo Tu Voluntad/I Love Your Commands [MP3]
from Gracia y Amor / Grace and Love
from Gracia y Amor / Grace and Love
Amo Tu Voluntad/I Love Your Commands [MP3]
from Gracia y Amor / Grace and Love
from Gracia y Amor / Grace and Love
Find Amo Tu Voluntad/I Love Your Commands in:
Liturgical: |
The Introductory Rites Entrance Song (Gathering or Processional)
Ritual: |
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Celebrations of the Word of God
Topical: |
Word Commandments Love for God Obedience |
Style: |
Scripture: |
1 Samuel 3
Psalm 119 |