Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos

A wonderful way to receive the Holy Oils during the Holy Thursday evening liturgy, this bilingual setting from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Més Grande is sure to encourage communal participation.
Reception Of The Oils / Recepcion De Los Oleos [MP3]
From: No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
From: No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Accompaniment Package - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Octavo]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Octavo - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Keyboard Accompaniment - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Guitar Accompaniment - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception Of The Oils / Recepcion De Los Oleos [MP3]
From: No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
From: No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Accompaniment Package - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Keyboard Accompaniment - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Octavo]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Octavo - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
Reception of the Oils/Recepción de los Óleos [Guitar Accompaniment - Downloadable]
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
from No Greater Love/No Hay Amor Más Grande
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The Sacred Paschal Triduum Thursday of the Lord's Supper at the Evening Mass