From: Journeysongs Third Edition CD Library
From: Rise Up & Sing, 3rd Ed. CD Library
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
From: Journeysongs Third Edition CD Library
From: Rise Up & Sing, 3rd Ed. CD Library
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Rise Up & Sing Third Edition
from Breaking Bread/Music Issue
Find Come, Holy Ghost in:
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
And in our hearts take up thy rest;
Come with thy grace and heav’nly aid
To fill the hearts which thou hast made,
To fill the hearts which thou hast made.
O Comforter, to thee we cry,
Thou heav’nly gift of God most high;
Thou font of life and fire of love,
And sweet anointing from above,
And sweet anointing from above.
To ev’ry sense thy light impart
And shed thy love in ev’ry heart.
To our weak flesh, thy strength supply;
Unfailing courage from on high,
Unfailing courage from on high.
O grant that we through thee may come
To know the Father and the Son,
And hold with firm, unchanging faith,
That thou art Spirit of them both,
That thou art Spirit of them both
Praise be to thee, Father and Son
And Holy Spirit, with them one;
And may the Son on us bestow
The gifts that from the Spirit flow,
The gifts that from the Spirit flow.
Ritual: |
Celebration of Confirmation
Rite of Religious Profession Holy Orders |
Topical: |
Holy Spirit
Day: |
Season of Easter Pentecost Sunday
Scripture: |
John 14
Acts 2 Isaiah 11 Acts 4 Acts 1 1 John 2 1 Corinthians 12 Psalm 104 |