Entrance Antiphons for SATB Choir

Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Solemnities and Feasts
Second through Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirteenth through Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time through Christ the King
Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time
Solemnities and Feasts
Second through Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirteenth through Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time through Christ the King
Solemnities and Feasts
Second through Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thirteenth through Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time through Christ the King
Following his previously published collection of the Communion Antiphons, Christopher Walker now offers two volumes of Entrance Antiphons for SATB Choir to prepare your assembly for the celebration of the Eucharist. Featuring a variety of choral textures, including chant and diatonic harmonies, as well as intricate modern arrangements and musical devices like organum, canon, inversion and imitation, this collection provides antiphons for Sundays, solemnities and feasts throughout the year.
With modern chant notation and accessible choral writing, Walker’s compositions truly shine. Engage your singers and welcome your parishioners into the house of the Lord with inviting musical settings that continue the rich tradition of the Church.
With beautiful recordings of the St. Paul the Apostle Church Choir, the CDs are ideal for rehearsal, allowing your ensemble to learn the music quickly and effectively. Scored for SATB choir, the songbooks contain all of the entrance antiphon options from the Roman Missal.
This collection is offered in two volumes:
- Volume 1: Seasons, Solemnities and Feasts
- Volume 2: Sundays in Ordinary Time