Misa San Juan Bautista

Damaris Thillet worked closely with Ceferino Cabán from Puerto Rico to produce and record this beautiful Mass setting that is sure to connect with Catholics of Puerto Rican, Dominican and Cuban origins, as well as with parishioners that enjoy praising God in an uplifting style.
The festive setting highlights traditional Puerto Rican instruments such as the cuatro (4-stringed instrument popular in both Central and South America) and the güiro (percussion instrument), incorporating styles like aguinaldo jíbaro, danza puertorriqueña and joropo or gaita.
Diego and Damaris composed this mass setting in a way that can be accompanied either with piano and/or guitar. However, the use of added percussion is also recommended to bring to life the uplifting spirit that is quintessential to the music of Puerto Rico. The simple SAB choral parts will add another layer of beauty as Spanish and bilingual choirs learn and master them.
Some parts of the Mass will resonate with Spanish-language missal users. Yet, each part has been revised and updated in accordance with the text changes to the Misal Romano.
Track listing:
Señor, Ten Piedad | Kyrie, Eleison | Gloria a Dios | Aleluya | Honor y Gloria a Ti | Santo, Santo, Santo | Anunciamos Tu Muerte | Cada Vez que Comemos | Salvador del Mundo | Amén | Cordero de Dios