Praise the Lord in Many Voices

A Celebration in Song of a Journey in Faith
A Celebration in Song of a Journey in Faith
A Celebration in Song of a Journey in Faith
A Celebration in Song of a Journey in Faith
Praise the Lord in Many Voices gracefully captures Grayson Warren Brown’s charisma, experience and his devotional spirit, making it an ideal collection for personal prayer and meditation.
This multicultural collection features four well-known and cherished songs as well as seven brand new tracks, two of which are bilingual, something Chinese and Filipino Catholics will appreciate. This recognized composer delivers an amazing display of rhythms and sounds that include reggae, Americana, traditional organ, Latin-style guitars, solo singers and stirring choirs.
Inspired by all the communities Grayson has been in contact with during his missions and pilgrimages, this musical tribute is a gesture of appreciation to all the people he has learned from while traveling in the United States as well as other countries and continents.
Grayson has been a pioneer since he first started his musical ministry five decades ago, offering familiar and highly engaging styles for multicultural communities. He has also mastered the art of presenting songs and hymns that reach the deepest fibers of the heart, granting a deeper connection to our faith.
A few of the noteworthy songs in Praise the Lord in Many Voices include “Psalm 150,” recorded in Jamaica with a reggae rhythm that lights up the soul; a new refreshing Americana-style rendition of “Amazing Grace”; the imposing “Shine Your Light on Us Each Dawn” and “The Lord Is My Shepherd,” with Latin-style guitars strengthening our prayers.
The two bilingual songs also deserve mention: “My Shepherd Is the Lord” in English and Chinese and “Blessing Song” in Filipino and English allow bilingual and multicultural Catholics to praise the Lord in their native language.
On the whole, this new collection captures and connects with the traditional abundance and the richness of different cultures expressing their faith through music.
Track listing
At the Name of Jesus | My Shepherd Is the Lord | Blessed Are You, God of All | Amazing Grace | Blessing Song | I Love You, O Lord | The Lord Is My Shepherd | On This Holy Night | Sing, Christian People | Shine Your Light on Us Each Dawn | Psalm 150