Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Cantos para la Nueva Evangelización
Essentially translated as "the Church on a mission," Iglesia en Misión is one of two Spanish-language collections OCP is publishing to support the V Encuentro, a four-year process aimed at building up Hispanic pastoral ministers in communities across the US. (The other album is Discípulos Misioneros/Missionary Disciples.)
The 10 contemporary Spanish songs on this collection were specifically selected for their themes of discipleship, mission and evangelization. This music is meant to serve as a guide for individuals, parishes and dioceses throughout the US. It is meant to support, inspire and enliven events large and small—everything from diocesan-wide conferences to parish prayer groups. It is a response to our call as sons and daughters of Christ to share his good news with others.
Iglesia en Misión brings together songs from talented composers that represent the great diversity in the Hispanic community in the US. Songs like "Porque Me Ha Ungido" by Jaime Cortez and Johann Alvarez' "Como el Sol en el Cielo" are combined with new recordings of classics like "Pescador de Hombres," featuring Iván Díaz on vocals and a sweet, but powerful rendition of "Oración de San Francisco" by Azeneth González.
Learn more about the V Encuentro