Amor, Sal y Miel

Inspired by the action of the Holy Trinity in our daily lives, Amor, Sal y Miel is named for God’s love (Amor) that, through Christ, pours out like salt (Sal) to flavor our lives, and the joy of the Holy Spirit, which is like honey (Miel) on our lips. This upbeat 10-song collection features themes and messages of daily life. Speaking of love and the protection of life, it encourages listeners to serve as an instrument of God, and to seek and find everything we need in him alone.
Amor, Sal y Miel is for anyone seeking fresh, contemporary music with a positive Christ-centered message, particularly modern families, youth and young adults. Ideal for retreats, prayer groups and casual listening, the collection features a mix of contemporary musical styles and songs, from rock and pop to ballads and cumbia rhythms. Bass, guitar and vocals feature prominently throughout the recording.
“En Busca del Néctar,” uses the analogy of a bee flying from flower to flower looking for food, wasting time with flowers that have no nectar. Like bees, we seek the nectar of life but sometimes waste time on activities that leave us with nothing; Jesus is the true nectar. The energetic “Barro al Fuego” presents Christ as the only way to heal the soul while “Testigo de Tu Amor” invites us to meditate on love in the company of Jesus Christ, the beloved Lord. Together, this uplifting collection encourages and supports a life lived in Christ.