Your Time

Trust in God's plan
All of us struggle with questions about God's will. We ask, "Why did this happen to me now?" "Why didn't this work out?" In her debut album with Spirit & Song, Sarah Kroger reminds us that though our lives may not always unfold as we plan, God has a time and a reason for everything.
Exemplify poetry in prayer
Produced by Josh Blakesley, Your Time features an organic, indie-folk sound that carries Sarah's tender voice to the hearts and ears of the listener. Each of her five originals—co-written with Josh, Sarah Hart, as well as Hillsong's Mia Fieldes ("Run to the Cross")—exemplify poetry in prayer, along with a stirring rendition of the popular "Revelation Song."
Find strength in hopelessness
Bearing testimony to the perfection of God's timing, the title track also captures Sarah's personal call to ministry. "Run to the Cross" echoes St. Paul's invitation to embrace and draw toward this embodiment of freedom, instead of retreating from what is often regarded as a symbol of pain. Quirky and light-hearted, "Impossible Things" praises our all-powerful God as our source of strength in the face of hopelessness.
Nourish your journey of faith
Whether you're looking to breathe new life into the liturgy, energize praise and worship events, or nourish your individual journey of faith, Sarah Kroger delivers an impressive collection of songs that move the heart and resonate with both young and old.
Also available as an MP3 playlist.
Tracks: Let My Praise | Your Time | Revelation Song | Impossible Things | Run to the Cross | In the Silence