
Sharing a burning desire to bring people together through the power of music and worship, Santiago Fernández and Jesse Manibusan team up to deliver seven contemporary bilingual songs to inspire faith both inside and outside of the liturgy.
Commissioned for the official theme song of the 2012 Religious Education Congress, "Voice Infusing Life/Voz Que Infunde Vida" features these two incredible artists at their best. Powerful vocals and soul-stirring lyrics combine to bear testimony that a simple song can truly transform lives.
Stylings from Spanish rhumba and bolero to traditional ballads and Latin rock create a fusion of sound and culture that will energize your music ministry. Lively and playful, the title track kicks things off with contagious rhythms and amazing guitar work. "Para Amar Como Tu" (To Love Like You) serves as a passionate call to discipleship, while "Open My Eyes/Abre Mis Ojos" provides a beautifully reflective close to the album.
Whether you’re looking to unite your English- and Spanish-speaking parishioners in song, or need a playlist for personal prayer, Unidos offers a variety of music to lift hearts and voices in praise of God.