Mass of the Little Flower
By Mark Friedman , Janet Vogt

Demo Recording
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
Demo Recording
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
from Mass of the Little Flower (Composer Manuscript)
"We hope to enable full and active participation in the liturgy with a new Mass that is both praiseful and memorable." —Mark Friedman & Janet Vogt
Mark and Janet have always admired Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (known as the “Little Flower”) for her youthful approach to life and prayer. Composed for even the youngest singers, this joyful setting is perfect for weekday school Masses and liturgies for young people as well as weekend Eucharist!
As composers of a variety of collections and resources for Jesus' youngest followers, Mark and Janet are uniquely qualified to compose a Mass setting for children. You'll find the melodies inviting and easy-to-sing, a wonderful adornment for the updated ritual texts from the Roman Missal, Third Edition.