Worship and Bow Down

from Worship and Bow Down
from Worship and Bow Down
Inspired by the opportunity for renewal, John Michael Talbot has composed a powerful collection of songs that draws people deeper into the spirit of prayer and the heart of the Church. From modern-chant to contemporary styles, Worship and Bow Down offers a broad range of songs to enhance worship.
Through his unique talents, John Michael Talbot has breathed new life into some of the most beloved Catholic devotional texts and scriptures. The warm, inviting tones of original songs like “In Remembrance of Me” and “Hail Mary Full of Grace” pull the listener towards a deeper devotion, while his signature sound enhances and enlivens favorites like “Sacred Silence” from Tom Booth and “Open My Eyes” from Jesse Manibusan.
Also included in this collection is the new Mass setting, Mass of Rebirth. Combining modes and harmonies from both the Eastern and Latin Rites, this contemporary chant setting honors Pope John Paul II's call to breathe from "the Eastern and Western lungs of the body of Christ." Equally reverent when sung in unison or with choir, Mass of Rebirth gives parishes a flexible and accessible way to celebrate the liturgy at daily Mass, as well as Sundays and holy days throughout the year.
"No one bridges the two worlds of Catholic liturgical music and contemporary Christian music like John Michael Talbot. This recording will bring the beauty of the Mass, and the new translation of the Roman Missal, to many ears and hearts." —John Limb, Publisher, OCP