Mass of the Resurrection

2013 Revision Lamb of God
2013 Revision Lamb of God
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
2013 Revision Lamb of God
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
Composer Manuscript
Composer Manuscript
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
Composer Manuscript
Composer Manuscript
2013 Revision Lamb of God
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
2013 Revision Lamb of God
Composer Manuscript
Composer Manuscript
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
from Mass of the Resurrection
2013 Revision Lamb of God
2013 Revision Lamb of God
Draw your parishioners deeper into the liturgy with these simple, strong melodies that illuminate the Order of Mass texts. Founded on the familiar "Duke Street" hymn, Randall's new setting is suitable for any size congregation.
The classical melodies will guide your parishioners in solemn reflection to help them better identify with their faith and strengthen their relationship with Christ. Whether it’s the inspirational “Glory to God” or the soft, reflective “Lamb of God,” these songs will fill your heart and lift your soul.
Besides complete accompaniment parts for keyboard and guitar, supplemental solo instrument accompaniment parts are available in C and Bb and can also be used for a 5-part brass ensemble or timpani accompaniment.
Whether you’re leading a cantor, choir or even have an ensemble on hand, Mass of the Resurrection will inspire your community and lead them to lift their voices in song.
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