Waiting for Love

An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
An Advent/Christmas Cantata
Combining the considerable gifts of Gerard Chiusano and Mary Hochman, Waiting for Love is a delightful Advent/Christmas cantata for listeners young and old alike. Designed for performance in parish and school settings, the program features 12 songs that bring the story of redemption to life, from the creation through the Incarnation. Written in rhyming couplets, the cantata is very performable for children, or even an entire parish, with sung assembly participation.
Though woven into one cohesive work, the songs also stand independently and are well-suited for Advent lessons, carol services, and Sunday liturgies throughout Advent and Christmas. Groups may perform the cantata with the accompaniment CD or a variety of instrumental combinations, from a single piano to a large ensemble with rhythm section.
In the guitar/vocal songbook, each song includes an introductory page with musical tips and a brief catechetical lesson that encourages children to take the readings and songs to heart by living out the Gospel truths they contain. These lessons include background information, a musical approach, Scripture references, questions for reflection, notes for catechists and parents and suggestions for related activities.
The CD demonstrates how adults, youth and children might sing the songs together, with adults and youth taking the more difficult solo parts and children singing the easier solos and chorus parts. Disc one features music and vocals; disc two features instrumental versions of all the songs.
The Director's Edition contains a printable program/worship aid for audience/assembly use. It's designed for maximum convenience: simply copy, fold and assemble!