Love the Lord Your God/Con Todo el Corazón

A classic collection of bilingual music for liturgy from Al Valverde and Victor Cabrera.
Blending the unique musical styles of the American Southwest with a deep spirit of worship, Love the Lord Your God con Todo el Corazón has even more relevance and application today than it did when it was first released in 1985.
10 entrance and Communion songs, psalms and more
Offering nine bilingual (English-Spanish) songs and one English-only song, the collection reawakens in worshipers the call to love God with all their heart. The title song, based on the great commandment of Luke 10:27, uses repetition to instill the importance of putting God first in our lives. The collection also includes a wedding song, entrance and Communion songs, recessionals and psalms.
Music from the desert crossroads of the great Southwest
Al Valverde and Victor Cabrera wrote these prayer songs in the hope of inspiring and uniting multicultural communities of that time. Springing from the desert crossroads of the great Southwest, their music still inspires and unites. The church in the U.S. -- more diverse than ever -- would do well to re-discover it.