Prince of Peace
By Dan Schutte

Music for Advent and Christmas
Music for Advent and Christmas
Music for Advent and Christmas
Music for Advent and Christmas
Offering songs that enrich liturgies throughout Advent and Christmas, this collection from Dan Schutte is accessible—simplifying the planning required for these seasons—and inspiring—drawing us into a more sincere celebration of Christ's incarnation and presence in our world today.
Knowing the difficulty of introducing new music at this busy time of year, Dan has created easy-to-learn contemporary arrangements of many traditional melodies. The collection includes psalm settings for Advent and Christmas that allow your community to learn and use one refrain setting for all the Sundays of each season.
In an effort to promote a sense of unity, Dan has provided hymns that can be woven into the various liturgies throughout these special seasons. He's also included extensive texts for these seasonal hymns to accommodate the changing themes of each week.
Christians everywhere long for peace, harmony and justice in the world. We continue to hope for the fulfillment of God's promise to us, which began with the birth of Jesus. The 14 songs in Prince of Peace give voice to these hopes and longings, reminding us that God wasn't born just once in time, but becomes flesh for us every day of every year.