Peace at Christmas

These are true piano duet improvisations, where the performers play off each other and are inspired by each other as they go along. Paul and Val intersperse new original material with well-known melodies, and their music for meditation, prayer and relaxation, all have that special Christmas spirit.
Hear old and new Christmas melodies catch fire under the nimble fingers of Val Parker and Paul Inwood.
Both performers are known for their improvisational talent, and this recording represents the first time they have been recorded together. These are true piano duet improvisations, where the performers play off each other and are inspired by each other as they go along.
Paul and Val intersperse new original material with well-known melodies, and their music for meditation, prayer and relaxation, all have that special Christmas spirit. If you enjoyed Paul's Eternity or Val's What Wondrous Love, you're sure to love Peace at Christmas. This collection also includes four solo pieces, two by each artist.