Restless Is the Heart

Many of the songs in this collection celebrate the themes of Jubilee and can be used year-round to complement messages on discipleship, mission and ministry.
A blend of new music and best-loved songsRestless Is the Heart encompasses more than 10 years of compositional and spiritual growth -- a blend of new music and some of Bernadette Farrell's best-loved songs from her time as a member of the St. Thomas More Group. Music of prayer, protest and praise, this collection is a reflection of the richness and variety of God's kingdom.
Bernadette's passion for social justice appears as a persistent motif throughout her music. Bernadette gives a voice to the poor and oppressed through her music, which is sung in churches throughout the world.
Many of the songs in this collection celebrate the themes of Jubilee and can be used year-round to complement messages on discipleship, mission and ministry.