Hi God 2
By Carey Landry

Hi God 2 continues the Hi God tradition of music for children pre-school through eighth grade, telling the story of Jesus through song and spoken word. Focusing on a journey of discovery in faith, this collection contains 26 songs, hymns, rounds and acclamations for the liturgical year and a variety of catechetical moments.
This cheerful, fun, upbeat recordings feature guitar, piano, drums, flute, oboe, strings and children's choir with two- and three-part harmonies. The songbook offers guitar and keyboard accompaniments, along with select vocal parts.
Containing titles like "All Your Gifts of Life," "Oh Yes, Lord Jesus Lives" and "Song of the Loving Father," Hi God 2 will be an indispensable addition to the repertoire of catechists, teachers, music educators and liturgical musicians who work with children.