Introduce your community to the rich tradition of Gregorian chant!
Published by the monks of the Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes in France, the Liber Cantualis has long been the standard for Catholic parishes wishing to incorporate Latin chant into their sung liturgies. Founded in 1010, Solesmes is an active Benedictine monastery.
Beautifully bound and printed on high-quality, ivory paper, the hymnal provides an excellent selection of the best-known chanted Mass parts and hymns. Contents include the complete Order of Mass, seven chant Masses, including the Missa Primitiva and the Requiem Mass, four sequences, and 40 hymns, canticles and psalms. All texts are in Latin and the music is set in Gregorian notation.
Includes chants in honor of the Blessed Sacrament and Mary, as well as music for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and throughout the liturgical year.
[123 pp, 5 1/2 x 8 3/8, hardbound]