Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Testigos del Amor de Dios/Witnesses of God’s Love
Discípulos Misioneros, translated as "missionary disciples," is one of two collections OCP is publishing to support the V Encuentro, a process aimed at building up Hispanic pastoral ministers in communities across the US. (The other collection is Iglesia en Misión.)
For this collection OCP invited composers from across the United States to write songs with themes that focused on God's love and infinite mercy that could accompany the V Encuentro process. The result is a diverse collection of 10 Spanish and bilingual songs and three bonus tracks that are the perfect soundtrack for this journey of empowering Hispanic Catholics to live their vocation more fully.
With an array of songs from composers like Jaime Cortez, Santiago Fernández and Damaris Thillet, Discípulos Misioneros truly celebrates the beauty and diversity of cultures in the Church. May this music inspire us to answer the call to live the Gospel as joyful, missionary disciples and witnesses of God's love.
Learn more about the V Encuentro