Recently, Pope Francis spoke at the Day of the Poor about the importance of commitment and that this commitment requires an effort, “[T]here is also an end or goal towards which each of us is tending. And this means that our lives are a project and a process. The ‘end’ of all our actions can only be love.”
This blog is published at a time when the infections of the pandemic are increasing exponentially, and many states are imposing much stricter regulations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In situations such as this, where we live in strong crisis, it is easy to hide and lament, paralyzing ourselves. It is important that, instead, we choose to seek out and serve others.
In the parish where I serve, every time I arrive to play at one of the Masses, I meet a group of servers at the doors who are definitely engaged. They arrive well before me to prepare and ensure that everything is ready for the celebration of Mass. These servers, who are part of the team of parish ambassadors, are called ushers or ministers of hospitality. They are here week after week, welcoming us with a smile. Despite the difficulties, they serve with courage, commitment and effort, being in front, risking their health to receive others and make them feel at home. At the end of Mass, they split into four teams and proceed to clean the entire church so that it is ready for the next Mass.
In these difficult times, these servers are doing an exceptional job. Their numbers have even increased, recruiting and training more volunteers. We have a Liturgy Committee made up of the parish priest, together with the coordinators of liturgical ministries and representatives of the different cultural communities who virtually meet every two months to plan the celebrations, assess situations and make necessary adjustments.
Song Suggestions
This week we have several celebrations in addition to the Second Sunday of Advent. On Tuesday, December 8, we have the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. On Wednesday, December 9, we have the optional, memory of Saint Juan Diego and on Saturday, December 12, we have the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
For the second Sunday of Advent, additional suggestions can be found within OCP’s YouTube playlist, “Advent Songs.”
Prelude: “Beyond the Moon and Stars” by Dan Schutte is a great choice for this celebration.
Entrance: “Emmanuel” by Steve Angrisano is a wonderful Advent song, while “Gaudete” by Alberto Coppo is perfect for bilingual assemblies.
Penitential Rite: Bob Hurd’s “Kyrie” is a great English, Spanish or bilingual option.
Responsorial Psalm: Select “Lord, Show Us your Mercy (Psalm 85)” by Rick Modlin or “Salmo 84: Muéstranos, Señor/Psalm 85 Show Us, O Lord” for a bilingual Mass.
Offering: “Ready the Way” by Curtis Stephan is a wonderful song of preparation and anticipation.
Communion: “Waiting in Silence” by Carey Landry and “Your Light Will Come, Jerusalem” by Bob Hurd are perfect for English-speaking assemblies, while “Emmanuel, Oh Rey de Gloria” is a beautiful bilingual composition by Father Juan J. Sosa.
Recessional: “Save Us, O Lord” by Bob Dufford and “Un Pueblo en Marcha” are perfect for ending the celebration.
Lastly, to prepare for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, I recommend exploring the music found in OCP’s new resource, Novena a la Virgen de Guadalupe/Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Here, you’ll discover a variety of bilingual songs to unite your multicultural community.
Have a blessed week!